• Grant Impact Areas and March 2nd Deadline
  • Grantees: Transportation Drives Hope
  • New Community Health Resource Directories
  • PIC Luncheon: Indiana's Infant Mortality
  • 2020 Census Participation
Grants Coordinators Amy Saleik (left) and Marla Rust (Center) encourage grant seekers to contact them with any questions about the grant process. They can be reached at: ASaleik@sjchf.org  or 260-969-2001 ext. 206 or   MRust@sjchf.org  or 260-969-2001 ext. 200 .
Foundation Update:
Grant Impact Areas and March 2 nd Deadlines
After two years of intentional listening, researching, and discerning the St. Joe Foundation is narrowing its focus within its impact areas to assure that care is being directed to the most vulnerable in our community.   

According to Meg Distler, Executive Director, “ We listened to our community partners, looked at the data from our Vulnerability Study of Allen County, and prayerfully reflected with the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ who sponsor us. We determined we could have a more significant impact on the Poor if we further focus our funding within our traditional impact areas."

Grant applications, beginning with the upcoming March 2 Grant Application Deadline , will be asked to explain how their proposals will advance the outcomes the St. Joe Foundation is seeking within each of the following areas:
Impact Area #1:
Prenatal & Infant Care

Pregnant women, new fathers, and infants (especially Black individuals and those living in 46806) will have access to free or low-cost quality care and resources, enabling them to be supported through a healthy pregnancy, birth, and first year of life inspiring hope for their future. Read more
Impact Area #2:
Nutrition & Food Insecurity

Vulnerable, food-insecure individuals are enabled to access nutritious food with dignity and assisted with strategies to empower them to build their own sustainability . Read more
Impact Area #3:
Access to Quality, Affordable Healthcare

All lower income residents (especially Spanish-speaking Hispanic individuals and those living in 46802, 46803 and 46806) will have access to free or low-cost, quality healthcare, enabling them to improve their health and hope for their future. Read more
Impact Area #4:
Refugees & Immigrants

Refugees and immigrants will be welcomed with dignity, and assisted in accessing healthcare and other critical resources. Read more
To apply, or for a full list of grant opportunities year-round, click the buttons below.
Sheldon Bixler is one of 27 CTN drivers who provide
caring transportation services for local people in need
Grantees Spotlight:
Transportation Drives Hope in Allen County

Justin Clupper knew clients appreciated the Community Transportation Network, but he didn’t expect tears.

Clupper is executive director of the nonprofit known as CTN. The agency takes people all over Allen County to medical appointments and other destinations. During a ride-along to observe, Clupper asked a new client what it meant to have CTN take her to dialysis treatments. To his surprise the woman started crying.

They weren’t tears of sadness, but of gratitude.

“When I think about what CTN means to me, that’s what happens,” she explained. “I am so blessed to be able to have an organization like CTN. I feel comfortable. I feel safe.”

Foundation Resource :
New 2020 Directories Available to Order
The newest version of the Community Health Resource Directory is now available to order for 2020-2021!

The St. Joe Foundation has provided these directories at no cost to the community since 2005, to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to connect with the quality, affordable healthcare options available in Allen county. These directories contain contact information, eligibility requirements, and more for more than 60 local, free and low-cost, quality, healthcare resources.

Order your free copies or view this directory online:
Dr. Nancy Swigonski and Erin Norton, RN will report on Indiana's and
Allen County's Infant Mortality Causes and Solutions
Foundation Collaboration:
Prenatal & Infant Care Luncheon:
Indiana's Infant Mortality Causes and Solutions
In an effort to multiply the support of mothers, infants and families in Allen County, the St. Joe Foundation facilitates the Prenatal & Infant Care Network (PIC Network). Through this network the Foundation hosts a free, quarterly luncheon to provide education and networking opportunities to local professionals and dedicated volunteers who care for mothers, infants and new families. The public is welcome with an RSVP.

The next PIC Luncheon will be on February 20 and cover the recent findings from the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) on Indiana's Infant Mortality Rate. As shared by Gov. Holcomb, Indiana’s infant mortality rate fell at the highest rate in six years, and preliminary data from ISDH shows 559 Indiana babies died before age 1 in 2018, which is down from 602 in 2017. Click the button below to learn more and save your spot at the upcoming luncheon:
Please be sure to participate in and promote the US Census this spring! The Census determines how much federal funding Fort Wayne receives for the next ten years; therefore, it is crucial we have an accurate count. Under current funding figures, Indiana would lose $2,710 of federal funds per year for every person uncounted.

The St. Joe Foundation is proud to serve on the 2020 Fort Wayne Census committee and promote community participation in this essential source of funding. We encourage all of our friends and partners to l ook for a postcard in the mail in March with details on how to complete the census online at that time. After completing your own, encourage and if necessary, help those you work with and serve to also complete their census.

And remember:
"Your answers are private; the impact is public."
  A ministry sponsored by the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ.
Contact  |  Prenatal & Infant  |  HEAL   |  Grants