JANUARY • 2020
January - We Begin 2020

We begin 2020 with chapter and finance highlights
A chapter member spotlight
Updates from the Climate Change and Health Task Force
And the newly charted ECP Committee course!
President's Column
Raelene Walker, MD, FAAP
As we move into the new year and new decade, I’d like to celebrate 10 chapter highlights of our many accomplishments from 2019. It has been an impressive year, with a huge amount of effective advocacy for children and much good work for pediatricians and families. Thank you to everyone who contributed. I am sincerely thankful to you and greatly appreciate all that you do for children and each other. 

Co-Sponsored and helped lead SB 276 into law, minimizing fraudulent vaccine exemptions and protecting children and communities.
Held 4 amazing CME conferences: Mental Health Day in San Jose, Advocating for Children Together in Oakland, Mental Health Day in Madera, and Pediatric Puzzles in San Francisco.

Awarded SOPT (Section on Pediatric Trainees) grant to present program on Life After Residency for residents (coming in 2020!)
Launched our new, improved website, www.aapca1.org
Wrote, sponsored and passed multiple resolutions at the AAP Annual Leadership Forum, affecting change.

Filled all open board positions, including Member At Large for Monterey Bay, North Valley and North Coastal and Early Career Physician, and our new Vice President, Dr. Nelson Branco .

Founded task force for Climate Change and Health.

Chapter awards given to Drs. Rhea Boyd, Diane Dooley, and Raul Gutierrez for outstanding advocacy and work for AAP Chapter 1.

Numerous advocacy victories, local and state, including collaboration with CA legislators and our new pediatrician CA Surgeon General, who is a member of our chapter and has an interest in ACES screening.

Reinstated a monthly newsletter to facilitate and improve communication.

Thank you and congratulations. Wishing everyone a wonderful, healthy, happy and safe 2020.
Treasurer's Column
Nivedita More, MD, FAAP
Happy New Year and New Decade! Thank You to all of you, our members, for your continued support! Our Chapter would not be fiscally sound without you! As the treasurer of the Chapter for a little over a year, I was asked to communicate the financial health of the Chapter with our members. With the help of our current leadership, Dr. Raelene Walker and Dr. Nelson Branco , our immediate past president, Dr. John Takayama and our executive director Isra Uz-Zaman , our Chapter is doing well financially.

Our revenue continues to grow mainly through our membership, our conferences and our grants. We ended 2019 with 2,219 members! The majority of our revenue comes from membership. With the help of our committees, we were able to put together four conferences this past year, including two mental health conferences, one Advocacy conference and our annual Puzzles conference! We received one Pediatric trainee grant in 2019. One of our major expenses for this past year was our new website. Please visit our website, if you have not already done so, at https://aapca1.org/ .

We have a few plans for 2020 as we look forward to growing our Chapter and its revenue. We will do our best to add value to our sustaining members and add new members in the coming year. We will be reaching out to our lapsed members via our area representatives, via email and via phone. We hope that will motivate them to join again. We may be looking into institutional membership for our Chapter. National AAP may be proposing the same to improve overall membership numbers. If you have a colleague in your practice or at your local hospital who is not a Chapter member, please encourage them to join our Chapter and direct them to our website to see all the excellent work we are doing. We are planning an activity with our early career representative for the residents in 2020 from the grant we received. More to come on this, as we finalize the details of this activity. As a Chapter, we plan to form a Finance taskforce or committee to help improve the revenue of our Chapter through an annual Gala, donations, grants, etc. If any of you are interested in being part of this new initiative, have connections with the big corporations or institutions in the area, or have expertise in grant writing, please reach out to us. We would be happy to get your help!
Climate Change and Health Task Force
Amanda Millstein, MD, FAAP
The AAP-CA1 Climate Change and Health Task Force officially kicked off in November of this year and has grown so far to include over 20 members. The working mission statement of our group is to unify and amplify the voice of pediatricians in Northern California who are committed to mitigating the effects of climate change by:
  • Advocating for policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2030;
  • Educating ourselves, our patients, and the broader public on the health harms of climate change;
  • Allying with other medical organizations and professional health associations to amplify our message; and
  • Keeping equity at the core of our efforts and understanding that climate action without the foundational values of equity and justice will perpetuate environmental racism.

Our group has identified 4 major areas of interest amongst us: legislation, education, media and communications, solidarity and alliance building with other groups. We have identified opportunities to work with several national AAP leaders on climate change-related issues, including updating some of the HealthyChildren.org pages. We’re also working closely with Kris Calvin (AAP-CA District CEO) to introduce climate change and health into the advocacy teaching she gives to pediatric residents throughout California. We’re hoping to unify our group around one major area, such as wildfire smoke policy for schools, in the coming months. 

We are feeling very energized and excited heading into 2020. We look forward to updating everyone on our progress. If you’re interested in joining our committee or learning more, please contact me at amanda.millstein@gmail.com .
Chapter Spotlight
Lucy Crain, MD, MPH, FAAP
Lucy Crain, MD, MPH, FAAP is a past CA District Chairperson and past President of California Chapter I. She is Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Emerita at UCSF and Adjunct Clinical Professor at Stanford University. Dr. Crain is a founding member of our California Chapter I Advocacy Committee and is Editor in Chief of the AAP Section on Senior Members Senior Bulletin. 
I’m pleased to invite you as fellow members of California Chapter I, AAP to the 19th annual continuing medical education conference on Developmental Disabilities on March 5 & 6, 2020. UCSF Professor of Nursing Geri Collins-Bride is the conference co-chairperson and Dr. John Takayama, immediate past California Chapter I president, is a valued member of our Community Planning & Advisory Committee (CPAC). This year’s conference will be located at a new venue, Golden Gateway Holiday Inn, San Francisco.
Early Career Physicians Committee
Tashya J. Whitehead, MD, FAAP

Happy New Year! With the start of 2020, we are relaunching the Early Career Physicians Committee. The Committee on Early Career Physicians provides valuable guidance and resources for physicians who are transitioning out of residency and fellowship. The committee’s primary focus is on advocacy, mentoring, networking, and education. We are currently working on developing sub-committees on a nationwide level that include: Connectivity, Work/Life Balance, Improving Member Value, Personal Finance Management, Leadership Skills/Development, and Workforce Policy. Our first activity will be a Life After Residency program in the upcoming months (details to be released very soon!). The transition out of residency can be trying, and my goal for this committee is to provide a networking space and serve as a resource for early career physicians, since our needs slightly differ from more seasoned physicians. We have some exciting ideas for the upcoming year, and I am excited to get this committee up and running! If you are an Early Career Physician, look out for an email that will be coming your way this month. 
The SGA Side
Your Key to State Government Affairs
Nora Pfaff, MD, FAAP and Zarah Iqbal, MD, MPH
SGA Chapter Representatives

The legislature is currently in recess. We’ll have new updates for you in February. In the meantime, here are some reminders:
1. To view updated AAP California bill positions, letters & outcomes from the 2019 CA Legislative year, go to aap-ca.org/bill .  
2. For latest organizational advocacy updates follow @AAPCADocs on twitter
3. Registration for the 2020 AAP Legislative Conference is now open ! The conference will take place April 5-7, 2020 in Washington, DC at the Capital Hilton Hotel.
4. If you have questions and/or are interested in knowing more about a certain legislation, reach out to our State Government Affairs Chapter Representatives Nora Pfaff, MD, FAAP and Zarah Iqbal, MD, MPH at info@aapca1.org
Opportunity for Your Benefit
AAP National Committee Member Nominations
We encourage you to apply for vacant AAP National Committee Member positions. Please visit 
https://collaborate.aap.org/Lead/Pages/CommitteesCouncilsSections.aspx (will need to log in) for a complete list of open member positions, including statements of needs for member positions and application documents for submission. Here are some of the open member positions without California representatives: 

Deadline to apply: February 21, 2020
Questions about the positions or process, email: nominations@aap.org

April 25, 2020: Spring CME Conference, Fairfield (Topic: Adolescent Health) - SAVE THE DATE

Our mission is to promote the optimal health and development of children and
adolescents of Northern California in partnership with their families and communities, and to support the pediatricians who care for them.

President: Raelene Walker • Vice President: Nelson Branco
Secretary: Janice Kim • Treasurer : Nivedita More • Past President: John Takayama
Executive Director: Isra Uz-Zaman