ASC - January 2018 Newsletter 
See what's new at Acadia Senior College!

Stimulation - Knowledge - Interaction - Fun

Letter from Nat Fenton, ASC President

Dear ASC Members,

We have been most fortunate in having Jude Lamb guide our ship's course during the past eleven years and regret that she has advised us that she wishes to retire from her administrative position as of June 30, 2018, the end of our fiscal year.  Most of you know that our operations run smoothly due to her efforts, her organizational skills and her patience with the 350-400 members, directors and officers of Acadia Senior College and with the public, other organizations and the press.   

You cannot imagine all that she does, and she does it without seeking praise or acclaim.  So, when you see the beautiful photographs on our course brochures, in most cases the photos were her photos.  And when you admire the setup of our brochures, newsletters and other communications, in most cases it's because of her keen eye and experience.  She holds our hands when we cannot sign up for courses due to the peculiarities of our new website and our lack of experience with the same.  Just think of all she does in a day - attend committee meetings, prepare mailings, set up the newsletter, get the mail and organize it, get the checks for courses and donations and determine which is which and record all of that, keep track of the students in each class, and send out class lists to each instructor directing each to the instructor handbook and to visit the class site beforehand, and on and on.  It makes me dizzy.
So, we will be advertising the position as soon as we can and are looking to hire our new administrative manager in plenty of time to work with Jude and to be trained by her.  That training will be invaluable to whomever is hired and we thank Jude for giving us such a long advance notice of her retirement. 
Jude is talented in many other areas and we look forward to more of her performances as Chansonetta or Eunice or Ann Greely or others.  As she has brought to life Historic Maine Women, we thank her for nurturing Acadia Senior College to a full life during her tenure.  Please thank her for all she has done when you see her at the ASC office or at ASC events.
We will keep you advised as to our progress and please know that we, the members of the Executive Committee serving as the Personnel Committee, will do our best to choose a worthy applicant.
Nat Fenton
President, Acadia Senior College

Please note: Acadia Senior College cancels events for snow days when the MDI schools close for snow/weather events.  When the school system declares a delay, we will also cancel events occurring within the delay time period.

This event is now filled!

January 5th
Coffee Clash Opener 
(yes, 'clash' is intentional!)

Moira O'Neill:

At Sips in Southwest Harbor
Friday, January 5, 2018, at  9:00 am

Note: new this season, in fairness to Sip's wait staff, each patron will be charged $5 and receive a coffee and pastry.  As always, tips are appropriate.

This event is filled!

January 12th
Coffee Clash 
(yes, 'clash' is intentional!)

Nat Fenton:

At Sips in Southwest Harbor
Friday, January 12, 2018, at  9:00 am

Note: new this season, in fairness to Sip's wait staff, each patron will be charged $5 and receive a coffee and pastry. As always, tips are appropriate.

Reservations: (email only)

Food for Thought 

Dan Dendanto:

At Birch Bay Village Inn
Friday, January 26, 2018

Lunch at 11:30
Lecture from noon to 1:00

Reservations required for either
by noon on Thursday, January 25
ASC office 288-9500/

Save the date!
Cabin Fever Party

Where: Dorr Natural History Museum, at College of the Atlantic, 105 Eden Street, Bar Harbor

When: Friday, January 26, 5:00-7:00 pm

Bring:  finger food - appetizer or dessert to share 
(beer and wine will be provided)

Music: Rob Collin's Jazz Quartet

(Snow date: Saturday, January 27, 5-7:00 pm)


Save the date!
Schoodic Getaway

March 4 - 5, 2018

(details coming soon!)

Save the date!

Bangor Symphony Orchestra
Sunday, April 8

Beethoven and Mozart 

Group rate tickets
(details coming soon!)

Jesup Memorial Library 
Acadia Senior College present:

World War I and America
a series of programs in early 2018

First in this series:
Monday, January 8, 9:30-11:30 am
A moderated discussion of assigned readings.
Dr. Elizabeth Bischof, associate professor of history and chair of the Department of History and Political Science at University of Southern Maine

Free and open to all, registration required.
For information, and to register:
Melinda Rice, Jesup Memorial Library or 207-288-4245

(funded by a grant from National Endowment for the Humanities and Library of America)


is the theme for the 2018 

ASC Members' Art Show

to be held in May

What's your 
creative 'thing'? 

Photos? Paintings? Collage? Fiber art? Something else??

Start now! May is coming!!!


Spring course brochures will be mailed by January 10th

Course registrations open online at 10:00 am, January 30th
(Paper registrations begin February 6th.) 207-288-9500/