January 2017

Saying _Yes_ _ Ministry of Availability in the UK _video_

Steve and Renée did not go to England to work with young adults. They did not seek out 20-somethings to mentor and guide. What they did do was open the door when an opportunity knocked...

What is DMM_

In missions today the sheer volume of acronyms to describe ministry movements is overwhelming. From an organization's name to its smallest components, acronyms are everywhere. In this short article, One Challenge can't explain every acronym so let's focus on one - DMM....

God_s Work through Basketball in Uganda _video_
Sports Ambassadors coaches do traditional sports training: building skills and playing games. However, their favorite part of this ministry is mentoring coaches and pastors on and off the court. In this story, see how God works through basketball in Uganda...

Mission Training in Ukraine

The cloud of war has not dampened the hope and zeal of evangelical Christians in the Ukraine to spread the gospel. They are uniquely positioned with the ability to go eastward where the majority of western mission workers cannot freely travel. Mission training in Ukraine has begun!...

Happy New Year 2017 from One Challenge!

Asia Vision Trip - Personal Glimpse into God's Kingdom Work
Asia Vision Trip _ Personal Glimpse into God_s Kingdom Work
"We continue to be amazed at all that God revealed to us during our trip. The ministries resonated with us...

Connecting the Body of Christ in Colorado Springs

One of the principle functions of One Challenge teams is to facilitate connections within the body of Christ...

Prayer Focus for January_February 2017
Our prayer focus for January/February 2017 is from our OC (US-MC) President Dean Carlson...

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