JANUARY 20, 2022
United Methodist Women will gather both in-person (Palo Verde Room) and on Zoom for a hybrid meeting tonight at 7pm. In addition to their annual pledge service, five members will highlight a National Mission Institution that is either in their home state or a state they have lived in. Annual pledge money helps to support these and many other mission institutions. Email for more information or the Zoom link.
Poverty is widespread and growing. Why? Please join us on Jan 25 at 05:30pm for a very productive discussion on the book Broke in America as we at Dayspring look to select paths to bring real change to our communities. There is a book available, but is not required for this session. Be part of the solution. Email Bethany for details.
Confirmation sessions will begin soon! All youth in 7th grade and up are invited to participate. There will be a Q&A for parents and youth on Sunday, Feb. 6 at 11:30am in the courtyard (the weekly sessions will also be held on Sundays at the same time). Confirmation is a special part of the faith journey and offers a fantastic opportunity to talk with and learn from our pastors and Erin. It will offer an overview of the Christian faith and what it means to follow Jesus and live according to his teachings. It will cover a basic understanding of Scripture, spiritual practices, and our Methodist heritage, and will help young people think theologically. Plus, we’ll have a lot of fun and make new friends!
Please email Erin at to learn more and register.

We are collecting needed items for Justa Center, a shelter for homeless seniors, especially things to help with this cold/flu season including: tissues (especially small individual packs), cough drops, lip balm, and alcohol-free cough medicine.
The United Methodist Men start a monthly series of fellowship and spiritual growth experiences based on Richard Rohr’s Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life on February 5 at 9:00am on Zoom. These gatherings will be open to all interested men and women and each session will include the exploration of a different Christian spiritual practice including Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, and Ignatian Contemplation or Imaginative Prayer. Please email Tom for more information or the Zoom link.
Whether you’ve been attending for a while or you’re new to Dayspring, we invite you to attend a one-hour session with Pastor Jeff to learn more about us on Sunday, February 6 at 2:00pm via Zoom. If you are interested, please email the church office or call 480-838-1446.
Join us via Zoom on Wednesday Mornings starting February 23 at 10:00, for an eight-week midweek Bible Study, based on the book The Story of Luke by Justo Gonzalez, an ordained United Methodist Minister and retired Professor of Historical Theology from Candler School of Theology in Atlanta, Georgia. Led by retired pastor Bob Mitchell, all are enthusiastically welcome to join us in this discussion-oriented class. Purchase of Gonzalez’s book is NOT required. However, those who choose to purchase and read it will undoubtedly have a richer learning experience.
This past Sunday, we hosted another COVID Vaccine Clinic. Nearly 150 people received vaccinations - including 41 people who received their first dose!

Also, every household in the U.S. is now eligible to receive four free rapid at-home COVID tests by mail. Click here to order.
In 2021, Dayspring members and friends donated $14,000 to the Dayspring UMC Endowed Scholarship Fund to assist students at Morgan State University, a Historically Black University (HBCU) founded by Methodists in Baltimore, Maryland in 1867. In 2022, we have a goal to add $6000 to bring the scholarship to $20,000 so more students can benefit. You can make a one-time or monthly donation either by check or through our online giving site HERE. Thank you for making a difference in the life of a student and future leader!
Stephen Ministers are highly trained members of our congregation who listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support. The care they give is confidential, free, and very helpful. To learn how to receive care from - a Stephen Minister, call the church office at (480) 838-1446 or email them HERE.
Our most recent services:
Dayspring United Methodist Church | (480) 838-1446 | www.dayspring-umc.org