The EPN Consulting Newsletter - 077 - January 2017
Dear Colleague,

Following the speech the UK Prime Minister Theresa May made on Tuesday 17 Jan 2017, when she confirmed the intention of proceeding with Brexit, many people and companies got worried about their business and professional future.

The feeling of uncertainty in the UK has been growing since June 2016 after the referendum results and this speech does not make feel better.

Some companies already decided to invest abroad, some others decided to wait until the over-mentioned Article 50 will (or may) be triggered, some banks already threatened to move funds and personnel to continental cities such as Paris, Frankfurt and Milan. To make the long story short, it is a mess. And not only in the UK but in the entire European Union.

It is interesting to read the synonyms of Uncertainty:
ambiguity, ambivalence, anxiety, concern, confusion, distrust, mistrust, skepticism, suspicion, trouble, uneasiness, unpredictability, worry, bewilderment, conjecture, contingency, dilemma, disquiet, doubtfulness, dubiety, guesswork, hesitancy.....

All these terms apply to what many British and (continental) European individuals feel at the moment and we can easily understand that it is not good for business.

One thing must be said to reassure companies: for the time being the UK is still a full EU member and therefore fully entitled to participate in European projects with other European partners. Horizon 2020 offers a wide range of topics (Transport, Energy, Environment, ICT, Food & Agriculture, Advanced Manufacturing, etc.) that can be funded and if you have some great ideas to improve your business, don't limit your aspirations nor visions: find partners, participate in a H2020 project and, if successful, receive good funding for your expenditures (from 70% up to 100%).
SMEs can also participate in a dedicated H2020 funding scheme: the SME Instrument.

If you don't feel confident about starting this route alone, contact EPN Consulting: we are  Based in London, Engaged with Europe. We will be happy to listen to your ideas, assess them, shape them effectively, find suitable partners in Europe to build a strong consortium and prepare a sound proposal.

The same applies to EU companies: search for UK partners (we can put you in touch with some great companies and universities) that are experienced, reliable and eligible for EU funding. Cheers!

EPN Consulting Ltd.
Founder, CEO

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Horizon 2020 & other calls close to deadline

24 Jan 2017  -  Deadine to submit proposals to the H2020-FETPROACT-02-2017 call  (FET ERANET Cofund)

24 Jan 2017 -  Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-SC5-23-2016-2017 call (Support to confirmed Presidency events)
26 Jan 2017 -  Deadline to submit proposals to No.3  H2020-ART-2016-2017 calls (Automated Road Transport) - Stage 1
26 Jan 2017 - Deadline to submit proposals to  No. 12  H2020 topics on  Mobility for Growth  - Stage 1
31 Jan 2017 -  Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-SC1-HCO-17-2017 call (Support for large uptake of Digital Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing)
31 Jan 2017 -  Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020-SC1-PM-15-2017 call (Personalised coaching for well-being and care of people as they age)

Saving lives with Safer cars

12 Dec 2016 -  The Commission set out a range of advanced safety measures that could be fitted to vehicles in the future and have the potential to save lives on the roads. These measures will be examined in detail to decide exactly how the vehicles of tomorrow will be made safer.

The report presents workable and cost-effective car safety measures. The main objectives are to decrease the number of road victims and to help prevent accidents. As Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), special attention was given to children and the elderly.

Malta took over the Presidency of the Council of the EU  

01 Jan 2017 -  The presidency of the Council rotates among the EU Member States every 6 months.

During this semester, until 30 June 2017, the Maltese presidency will chair meetings at every level in the Council, helping to ensure the continuity of the EU's work in the Council.
- Read: short History of Malta

The state of the world in 2016
(in charts)

02 Jan 2017 -  As a year of exceptional and often unexpected change comes to an end, we look back at the state of the world in 2016 through the lens of a few reports:

- Asian countries lead on trades
- More than 80 years for the gender gap to close
- Competitiveness in decline
- Preparing workers for the 4th Industrial Revolution
- The world's changing risk profile

Why border controls won't protect Europe against terrorism

02 Jan 2017 -  In mid-December, people and families all over Europe and in many parts of the world were gearing up to celebrate Christmas, one of the most important events in the Christian calendar. But on 19 December 2016 at 20:02 local time, a hijacked truck veered into a traditional Christmas market next to the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin. Twelve people were killed. Four days later, the suspected perpetrator was shot and killed by police on an Italian plaza in Sesto San Giovanni, a suburb north of central Milan.

According to Eurostat, it is estimated that the European Union's citizens aged 15 or over made 1.2 billion tourism trips in 2014, for personal or business purposes - 25.1% were to destinations outside the country. Labour markets would also be affected: 1.7 million people cross European borders every day to get to work

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Nissan picks London for first on-road autonomous car tests

13 Jan 2017 -  Japanese car maker Nissan said it will conduct its first European real-world trials of self-driving cars in London, choosing Britain just months after it said it would build two new models in the country despite concerns over Brexit.

The government said it wants to encourage the development and testing of autonomous driving technology in Britain, helping build an industry to serve a worldwide market it reckons could be worth around £900bn ($1.1 trillion) by 2025.
Nissan said a modified version of its compact electric LEAF car equipped with autonomous driving technology will be tested in the capital next month, the first such demonstrations on European public roads.

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EPN Consulting Limited

EPN Consulting News  

On 20 Dec 2016 an article on " Creating Resilient Cities" was published on  LocalGov, the UK's largest dedicated local government news website.

Stefano Mainero, EPN Consulting Ltd. CEO
Giles K Bailey, Stratageeb Ltd. MD

The authors are Stefano Mainero,  EPN Consulting CEO   and Giles K Bailey,  Managing Director of the London-based consultancy  Stratageeb Ltd.

It is the 2nd article the two managers have written together (here their 1st article), this time to stimulate city councils and municipalities about the fragility of our cities in relation to (even not too severe) weather conditions.
As a matter of facts, a couple of weeks after the publication of the article, England was seriously affected by snow storms and rains that, in theory, should not have had so much impact on a technology-advanced country. In addition, the continuous trains strikes and the 9-January Tube strike definitely paralised London costing the city, the region and the businesses millions of Pounds.

EPN Consulting and Stratageeb are happy to assist local authorities in the UK in assessing their current and future plans and advise on the best routes to take to make their cities resilient.

Upcoming Professional Events in Europe

20-26 Jan 2017 - London (UK) -  ICT  -   LONDON BLOCKCHAIN WEEK 2017
23-24 Jan 2017 - Barcelona (ES) -  ICT -  23rd Edition of  EMEA CTO TELECOMS Forum
24 Jan 2017 - Brussels (BE) -  EUP+ICT -  CEN Workshop BIG DATA
24 Jan 2017 - Brussels (BE) -  EUP -  E!Sharp Live 2017 - WHAT DOES EUROPE MEAN TO EUROPE?
24-25 Jan 2017 - Brussels (BE) -  EUP+ICT -  9th Conference on EUROPEAN SPACE POLICY
The Website of the Month:

The History of the European Union  

A number of visionary leaders inspired the creation of the European Union we live in today. Without their energy and motivation we would not be living in the climate of peace and stability that we take for granted nowadays.

From resistance fighters to lawyers, the Founding Fathers were a diverse group of people who held the same ideals: a peaceful, united and prosperous Europe. Beyond the Founding Fathers, many others have worked tirelessly towards, and inspired, the European project.

1945-1959 - A peaceful Europe - the beginning of cooperation
1960-1969 - A period of Economic Growth
1970-1979 - A growing Community - the first enlargement
1980-1989 - The changing face of Europe - the fall of the Berlin wall
1990-1999 - A Europe without frontiers
2000-2009 - Further Expansion
2010-today - A challenging Decade

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EPN Consulting
Based in London. Engaged with Europe.