January 2020
Colleges Offer Manufacturing and Technology Classes
The spring semester is underway at local community colleges and students have many opportunities to prepare for manufacturing careers.
American River College offers classes in Design & Engineering Technology, Electronics Technology, Energy, Engineering, Welding Technology and many other programs.
Cosumnes River College offers Agriculture Business, Welding and many other majors.
Folsom Lake College offers Engineering as well as many other education paths.
Lake Tahoe Community College has an Environmental Technology & Sustainability program as well as many areas of study.
Sacramento City College's Advanced Technology division offers Aeronautics, Electronics Technology, Engineering Design Technology, Mechanical-Electric Technology and many other education paths.
Sierra College offers courses in Advanced Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Welding, Information Technology, Drafting and Engineering Support and other programs. Classes start on January 27.
Woodland Community College offers Welding, Career Technical Education programs and other majors.
Yuba College has Computer Science, Manufacturing, Welding and many other courses of study.
Project Update
Peer Training Enhances Manufacturing Education
On January 11, teachers met at Rocklin High School to develop advanced manufacturing instructional skills. The program is co-sponsored by Sacramento Valley Manufacturing Initiative (SVMI) & Edu2Mfg. The next training session will be held on February 8. For more information, contact Steve Dicus at 916-276-9520.
Manufacturer Highlight: Roseville's Garner Products, Inc. is Leader in Exports
Roseville-based Garner Products, Inc. manufactures and designs hard drive degaussers and physical hard drive destroyers that are distributed to over 85 countries. Last year, the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Wilber Ross, presented Garner Products with the President's "E" award for Exports, the highest recognition for a company's contribution to the expansion of U.S. exports.
Garner Products' high tech data security equipment ensures that data is unrecoverable and protected from data theft by completely erasing and destroying data on hard drives, tapes, solid-state media and flash drives. The privately held company was founded in 1959.
No Experience Needed to Volunteer at First Robotics Competition
Roseville High School (RHS) is seeking volunteer judges and referees for the annual First Robotics Competition being held on Saturday, January 25. According to John Fuller, RHS Engineering teacher, being a judge or referee is a fun experience. "You get to interview the teams and look over their engineering notebooks," said Fuller. "Once the robots start competing, you also get to watch the action and hand out the awards at the end of the day." It is an all-day commitment and does not require prior experience or skills. To learn more, contact John Fuller at jfuller(at)rjuhsd.us.
Mira Loma High School Seeks Industry Speakers
Mira Loma High School will host a College and Career Fair on Thursday, February 6th, from 8:30 am -- 11:30 am on campus at 4000 Edison Avenue, Sacramento. The school is seeking industry representatives to talk with students about workforce trends and local careers. Contact counselor, Sandra Stone, at sandra.stone(at)sanjuan.edu or 916-971-7469.
Jan. 25 - First Robotics Competition at Roseville High School
Jan. 28 -- 8:30-10 am Folsom Cordova Adult School Advisory Meeting in Rancho Cordova. RSVP to Cindy Knoble at cknoble(at)fcusd.org
Feb 8 - Instructor Training in Teaching Advanced Manufacturing Skills presented by SVMI & Edu2Mfg
Feb. 10 -- Deadline to register for Sacramento STEM Fair, NorCal STEM Education Foundation, expected to be held in March - Students are welcome from many other northern California counties.
Feb. 13 - 8 am - 4 pm CTE Counselor Conference Multiple Paths to Success: Giving Students a Competitive Advantage, Sacramento
Feb. 20 -- 4 pm Manufacturing Skills Mixer hosted by California Manufacturers & Technology Association and American River College
Mar. 25 - SVMI State of Manufacturing Breakfast - Save the date. Contact Jeff Briggs at JeffBriggs(at)sierracollege.edu or 916-316-810.
Jeff Briggs . Regional Director . Advanced Manufacturing North Region 
916.316.8100 . JeffBriggs@SierraCollege.edu  .  http://www.edu2mfg.org/  
Hosted at Sierra College . 5100 Sierra College Blvd., Rocklin CA 95677
Funding provided in part through Sierra College Grant #19-452-001, administered by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office.