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September 4, 2024

A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving

Offer to God thanksgiving,

And pay your vows to the Most High.

(Psalm 50:14 – NKJV)

Psalm 50 offers a profound reflection on the essence of true worship and thanksgiving. In this psalm, God speaks through Asaph, making it clear that He does not require the sacrifices of animals or material offerings since He owns everything in the world. Instead, God desires a sacrifice of thanksgiving—a sincere expression of gratitude and recognition of His sovereignty and goodness.

God declares that every beast of the forest and the cattle on a thousand hills belong to Him (Psalm 50:10-12). This emphasizes that God doesn’t need our material offerings because He already possesses everything. The psalm contrasts ritualistic sacrifices with genuine thanksgiving, showing that God values a sincere heart over mere ritual compliance. He calls for a sacrifice of thanksgiving that acknowledges His blessings and expresses gratitude.

God admonishes the wicked who recite His statutes but live contrary to His commands. True thanksgiving is not just about words; it’s about living a life that reflects God’s righteousness and justice. A sacrifice of thanksgiving, as described in Psalm 50, is an act of worship that transcends the physical act of offering. It’s about cultivating a heart of gratitude and living in a way that honors God.

Thanksgiving is a form of worship that recognizes God’s provision and grace. It shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have received, fostering a spirit of contentment and joy. God desires authenticity in our relationship with Him. The sacrifice of thanksgiving is genuine and heartfelt, not done out of obligation or tradition. It’s an honest expression of our dependence on and appreciation for God.

True thanksgiving is reflected in our actions. It involves living in a way that honors God, upholding His values of justice, mercy, and humility. Our lives become a testament to our gratitude. Expressing gratitude can also strengthen our sense of community. Sharing our blessings and thankfulness with others can inspire and uplift those around us, creating a ripple effect of positivity and faith.

Make it a habit to thank God daily for His blessings, both big and small. This practice can transform your perspective and deepen your relationship with Him. Show your gratitude through acts of kindness and generosity. Helping others is a tangible way to express your thankfulness. Spend time in prayer, reflecting on God’s goodness and expressing your gratitude. Let this be a time of sincere connection with Him.


A Prayer Minister will be available at the

back corner of Dunlap Hall, for at least

15 minutes after the benediction.

Masks will be worn when requested.

Prayer Minister this week is Nikki Griffin

“I raise my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my

help come from? My help comes from the Lord,

the Maker of heaven and earth.”

-Psalm 122:1-2 (HCSB)

“When I look at the night sky and see the work

of your fingers—the moon and the stars you set

in place—what are mere mortals that you

should think about them, human beings

that you should care for them.”

-Psalm 8:3-4. (NLT)

Twelve days ago I was blessed with another opportunity to stand atop Loveland Pass near Keystone, Colorado. At an elevation of 11,990 feet you can see for miles in any direction. It was my third trip to the frontal range of the Rockies. Each time seems more spectacular than the time before, which is what I told one of the locals who agreed.

I also said that “It makes me feel small and insignificant”; David must have felt the same way. Standing there at the Continental Divide, these two scriptures came to mind. Overwhelmed with the grandeur that surrounded us, someone in our party exclaimed, “How can anyone say that there is no God?”

Four days later we traveled to Medora, North Dakota, entrance to Theodore Roosevelt National Park. By the time we got settled in and went to dinner it was dark, so we decided to drive to a secluded place suitable for star gazing. We were in awe as we got an up close and personal view of the Milky Way splashed across the billions of stars in our universe.

I think of David and all of the nights he must have witnessed the same thing when he tended sheep out in the fields. It is no wonder that he was led to write so many Psalms about the majesty of God and of creation including these 4 verses from Psalm 119.

“How clearly the sky reveals God’s glory! How plainly it shows what he has done! 2 Each day announces it to the following day; each night repeats it to the next. 3 No speech or words are used, no sound is heard; 4* Yet their messaged goes out to all the world and is heard to the ends of the earth .”-Psalm 19:1-4 (GNT)    

Before I went on vacation last month, I encouraged you to trust your life to the one who laid the foundations of the earth and splattered billions of stars across the universe. As magnificent as the Rockies and the night sky might be, the amazing thing is you don’t have to go there to witness God’s majesty in creation. No, all you have to do is look in the mirror to see what an amazing person he has created in you. Or talk a walk through a park or alongside a stream and witness the many, many things created by the hand of God.

Have a blessed week,


TOMORROW - we will be going out

to serve at Matthew 25 Ministries. We meet at the church at 9:10 a.m. and leave the parking lot at 9:15 a.m. sharp. We will be back by noon. Everyone is welcome and chairs are available.

Bible Adventurer’s New Study

The Bible Adventurer’s are beginning a new ten week study by Adam Hamilton entitled, Unafraid – Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times. We will begin the study on Sept. 1st in Room 11 right after the service. If you would like to join us, please contact Carol Walters at ckw894@gmail.com; so she can order a book for you.

If it takes a village to care for a person at the beginning of life, I’ve discovered it also takes a village to care for a person at the completion of life. The “villagers” of John Wesley have helped me care for my disabled sister, Susan, through every phase of her long illness, and see her home.

Paster Kalamba arrived to pray and offer communion. Dave Conaway visited countless times, and helped move Susan’s things into Beechwood Home.

Carol Walters and all the 3C members were dedicated with visits and cards.

Everyone who signed a greeting in the Care Bags helped decorate Susan’s room. The brightest spots were reserved for the drawings and cards created by the children of John Wesley.

Lance Ireland offered his patented tech support.

Many others brought flowers and treats, and most important, good cheer.

Finally, Tim Schmidt helped move Susan’s things from Beechwood for the last time. 

All we can offer is a world of thanks to the village that is John Wesley.

David Medkeff and Betsa Marsh

Click to View Obituary

Annual Church Picnic

 Please join us for our Church Picnic

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Immediately following the worship service

Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Room Use And Calendar Scheduling

Here are some important points to remember as we start to get increasingly busy with meetings and church events. Some lines have been updated so just take a minute to go over each one:

  • In order to have a meeting or an event on the calendar, you must contact me. If you haven't confirmed your meeting through me, then it's not on the calendar and another group might end up getting that spot or date.
  • If you are setting up a special event on a Sunday during worship (selling cookies, setting up a registration table. providing cake or treats) you also need to contact me to get that on the calendar.
  • Regularly reoccurring monthly meetings don't need to be cleared through me once we talk at the beginning of the year and you are assigned a meeting date and time. Please let me know if you have to change your meeting time or date, whether it’s a one-time change or a permanent change.
  • If you use a room, please leave it exactly how you found it. Other groups use that room too and expect a certain number of chairs, tables, and equipment to be in certain rooms.
  • If you have to move anything out of a room, please make sure you put it back in the same room when you are done.
  • Every event set-up is to be done the day of the event unless you cleared an early set-up with me when the date was reserved on the calendar.

Keep in mind that all of our classrooms and meeting spaces are used by a variety of people throughout the week. No one group "owns" a certain room or meeting space so we all need to remember be kind and gracious as we work together to go about the business of being the hands and feet of Jesus. If you have any questions about meetings, scheduling, or room use, please always direct them to me, christie@jwumc.com or call me at 513-825-0733.

Be a rainbow in someone's cloud,

Christie Riggsby, Office Manager

Festival of Sharing

We are once again joining with the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to collect two types of emergency kits - School Kits and Hygiene Kits. Supplies are kept in several warehouses in the U.S. When the need arises, UMCOR can quickly send the needed supplies.


One pair of blunt scissors (rounded tip) removed from package

Three 70-count spiral notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages.

One 30-centimeter ruler (12")

One hand-held pencil sharpener removed from package

One large eraser

Six new unsharpened pencils with erasers

One box of 24 crayons (only 24)

The Missions Committee will put these supplies inside a fabric bag. You may choose to donate $3 to cover the cost of the bag and shipping.


One hand towel measuring approximately 16" x 28" (no fingertip or bath towels)

One washcloth

One sturdy wide-tooth comb removed from the package at least 6” long

One fingernail or toenail clipper

One bar of soap (bath size in wrapper) removed from package

One toothbrush (in original packaging)

Ten standard size bandages

Please do not add toothpaste to the kit but add $1 to cover the cost.

Seal all items in a one-gallon plastic bag with a zipper closure. You may also choose to include an additional $2 to cover shipping expenses.

Feel free to provide only some of the items listed above. The Mission Group will combine supplies to make as many kits as possible.

Collection due date is September 8.

Sharing Our Blessings - September

Coalition Ministries

While no church can meet all the needs of the community, churches working together can meet more of those needs. We are blessed to help our coalition churches with some wonderful blessings they provide.


Augsburg Lutheran Church invites anyone to join them for a community dinner the third Sunday of every month. Some of these folks are regulars whom they have gotten to know and minister to. They also have a small food pantry where the participants can choose some items to take home. As Pastor Grace has shared, “Shared Blessings is not just a meal and the pantry. It is a time/place where people meet people and relationships take root and God's presence and love is ever present.” 

Pleasant Run Presbyterian Church has offered their Practical Grace Non-Food Pantry for 11 years on the third Saturday of the month,10:00 AM to noon. They provide items which are not available as part of federal or state “food stamp” programs, such as paper goods, cleaning supplies, laundry detergents and personal hygiene products. They serve folks in the following zip codes: 45014, 45218, 45231, 45240, 45251. Participants need to register one time with valid ID and a current utility or other bill with name and address. They serve approximately 50 clients each month.


Two ways to donate to SHARING OUR BLESSINGS:

  1. On Communion Sunday (first Sunday of the month), place donations in baskets on the front pews when you go up to receive Communion.
  2. Any time during September, bring a check with Sharing/Coalition Ministries on the memo line or cash in an envelope marked the same way and put it in the offering plate. You can also mail your donation to the church office.

Thank you for your generosity supporting these wonderful ministries.

Calling All Church Mice

Have you ever been away from home? In a new unfamiliar surrounding? Just plain homesick? We have several of our young people who will soon be away attending college. Some are further away than others but nonetheless, embarking on a new chapter in their lives and possibly feeling alone. 

John Wesley’s Church Mouse program has volunteers that send encouragements to these college students by way of a card telling them to keep up the good work, a gift card to a favorite eatery, a box with a few small tokens like favorite candy, or even just a note offering encouragement and prayers. 

We have heard many stories from the parents and students stating that the cards and encouragements arrived at very opportune times. For example, before an important exam, when decisions needed to be made, and even just to ease a feeling of homesickness. 

As we strive to be reaching the individual, touching the community, and serving the world, let’s begin with our own families and friends. We are in need of more people who are willing to volunteer to be a church mouse to one of our young college students. All communication is anonymous and we ask for at least one school year commitment.

Please contact Lynn Dixon at lynndixon814@gmail.com 

or 513-255-2610 if you wish to volunteer.

The 9:00 Sunday school class has converted half of Wesley Hall into two pickleball courts.


We have three times reserved weekly for those of you who would like to join us. We're set up for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-6:00 and Saturdays from 10:00 to noon. You need to enter by the back Wesley Hall door, and ring the doorbell if you do not have a key.

Contact Marilyn Shultz if you have questions.

Pill Bottles and Matthew 25

Matthew 25 is changing the way that they take pill bottles. They do still take them, but they have to be prepped for shipment before they can be donated. They no longer take unprepped bottles. So, this will change the way we collect them, and we will let you know how we're going to do that as soon as possible.

Until then, here is a link with more info https://m25m.org/pillbottles/

Matthew 25 Volunteer Opportunities


Our next opportunity to serve is on Saturday,

September 21st, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. 

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Larissa Waldorf at email: waldorflarissa@gmail.com (home)

or Larissa_waldorf@cinfin.com (work), or both,

or my cell phone # is 513-488-9169.

See you then!

Click To Read - Current News and Notes 

News and Notes is a news publication of the Great Miami River District of the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church.

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