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July 24, 2024

God’s sovereignty and

purpose in seemingly

impossible situations

1Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 2“Speak to the children of Israel, that they turn and camp before Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, opposite Baal Zephon; you shall camp before it by the sea. 3For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, ‘They are bewildered by the land; the wilderness has closed them in.’ 4Then I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, so that he will pursue them; and I will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army, that the Egyptians may know that I am the Lord.” And they did so (Exodus 14:1-4, NKJV.)

The Israelites had just left Egypt after ten devastating plagues, and Pharaoh finally allowed them to go. But now they found themselves trapped between the Red Sea and the pursuing Egyptian army. It seemed like an impossible situation.

God intentionally led them to this place. He instructed Moses to have the Israelites camp near Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea. Why? So that Pharaoh would think they were bewildered and trapped. God had a plan to demonstrate His power and gain honor over Pharaoh and his army.

As the Israelites stood at the edge of the sea, God performed a miraculous intervention. He parted the waters, allowing them to cross on dry ground. The same sea that seemed like an obstacle became their path to freedom.

Sometimes, we face challenges that seem insurmountable. But just like the Israelites, we need to trust that God has a purpose even in our difficulties. He may lead us into seemingly impossible situations to teach us dependence on Him and to reveal His glory.

Whether in victory or struggle, God is worthy of our worship. Our faith isn’t based solely on favorable circumstances; it’s anchored in the unchanging character of God. So, let’s worship Him even when the odds are against us, knowing that He can turn our impossible situations into opportunities for His glory.

May you find encouragement in this truth, and may your worship be steadfast, regardless of life’s challenges!


A Prayer Minister will be available at the

back corner of Dunlap Hall, for at least

15 minutes after the benediction.

Masks will be worn when requested.

Prayer Minister this week is Sam Shreve

“And so, dear brothers and sisters,[a] I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.[b] 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

-Romans 12:1-2 (NLT)

A number of people have recently asked me, “Don’t you get bored driving back and forth on I-71 between Columbus and Cincinnati?” I tell them, “No, because I’m fascinated with the transformation that I witness during my trips.

Currently, there are 5 major projects in progress that will improve traffic flow and create at least 2500 permanent jobs. Two of these are related to the construction of additional lanes in both directions, and the rebuilding of the rest stops just north of the Washington C.H. exit.

But what fascinates me the most is the new Honda battery plant being built just east of I-71 and north of exit 65. Where there was once hundreds of acres of crop fields, a new manufacturing plant is rising up that is large enough to hold 78 football fields. As part of that project, a 20 mile long two-foot water pipe is being laid alongside the south bound lanes of  I71 from Caesar Creek Lake to the new structure.

I’ve also observed the construction of very large steel poles and cabling that will supply the power grid being built to energize the plant. I wondered how they would get the high-tension lines across the highway running from northwest to southeast. The answer finally came when we had to drive through an area where cranes were on the highway lifting these cables into the air and across the highway. Fourteen in all, they will each carry 13,500 volts.

Now all of this may not be a big deal to most, but I think that there is a parallel here to our spiritual lives. For the past year I have witnessed the unfolding of this amazing transformation of several square miles of landscape. God wants to do the same for us. He wants to transform us so that we are new, we are changed, we are different so that each day we become more and more like him.

I really like the way Eugene Peterson paraphrases these two verses in The Message:

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

Paul certainly understood this change, this transformation, having gone through it himself. Change is not easy. Sometimes it is scary. But if we are to be who God created us to be, then we need to let him continue to transform us into what he wants each of us to become, to be like him.

Have a blessed week,


Are you missing youth friends, do you want to connect with others your age? We have a great opportunity to join in with SNC Strive Student Ministry a Nazarene Church on Wednesdays at 6:30. Wednesday the 24th will be the first time I will be available to attend, however this will be a pool party and it will start at 5pm. Come join in on the fun in a relaxed setting and meet some teens and make some new friends! 

Dear Church Family,

We wanted to express our heartfelt gratitude for joining us in celebrating Helena’s graduation. Your presence made the occasion even more special, and we are truly thankful for your support. Helena has worked hard to achieve this milestone, and your encouragement means the world to us. Your warm wishes, smiles, and kind words filled our hearts with joy.

As a family, we cherish the sense of community that our church provides. Your love and fellowship have been a source of strength for us, and we feel blessed to be part of this congregation. Once again, thank you for sharing in our joy and celebrating Helena’s accomplishments. May God continue to bless each one of you abundantly

With love and gratitude, The Borden Family

Financial statements ending June 30 are in your hanging mail folders. Any questions, contact Tavane Cammarn at Tavane@jwumc.com.

We need volunteers to keep the

grass mowed during the spring,

summer and fall. Andy Shreve and

Dave Medkeff are the CMO'S

(Chief Mowing Officers) and would appreciate your assistance.

Dave and Andy can teach you

how to operate the equipment and maybe promote you a CHO (Chief Helping Officer). A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in Dunlap Hall.

Thank you for your

cooperation in advance,

The Trustees

The 9:00 Sunday school class has converted half of Wesley Hall into two pickleball courts.


We have three times reserved weekly for those of you who would like to join us. We're set up for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-6:00 and Saturdays from 10:00 to noon. You need to enter by the back Wesley Hall door, and ring the doorbell if you do not have a key.

Contact Marilyn Shultz if you have questions.



A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has already donated. This will give our clients who shop in early July a chance to start their “school shopping” soon. Of course, those supplies will get depleted. We will continue to collect school supplies through July. Hopefully, you will find more and better sales on these items so we can continue stocking our shelves for folks who are shopping later.

We will collect any and all school supplies. Please place them in the grocery cart in Dunlap Hall. Listed below are those most in demand. You might print this out and keep it with you. Every donation is much appreciated!!

These supplies are most needed:

Book bags - small or large

Erasers - large

Glue sticks - large only

Highlighters - any color

Colored pencils (12-pack preferred)

Pencil case (plastic type to put into 3-ring binder preferred)

Pocket folders (with prongs ONLY)

Spiral notebooks - wide & college-ruled

Ruled notebook paper - wide & college-ruled

3-ring binders (1" or larger)

White board markers (low odor if possible)

Ream of copy paper

Fiskars scissors (blunt & pointed)

3" x 5" index cards

Crayons - packs of 24 or larger

Composition books

Colored markers

Small pencil sharpeners with case

Compasses and protractors

Small calculators

No service dates in July and August

Matthew 25 Volunteer Opportunities

 Our next opportunity to serve is on Saturday, September 21,

from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Click To Read - Current News and Notes 

News and Notes is a news publication of the Great Miami River District of the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church.

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