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April 17, 2024

Encouragement to Praise God in Faith

Dear Beloved in Christ,

What a wonderful privilege it is to be connected to God through our faith!

In times of challenge, it's crucial to recognize the unchanging goodness of God, who transcends all seasons and circumstances. His faithfulness endures, unwavering despite the trials we may face.

Let us not withhold our praise simply because we haven't seen the full manifestation of victory. Praise is a powerful weapon that should precede our perceived triumphs.

Reflecting on 2 Chronicles 20:21-23, we see how Jehoshaphat recognized the supremacy of praise even in the face of imminent battle. Rather than relying solely on military might, he prioritized worship, acknowledging God's sovereignty.

Let us follow this example, offering praise in anticipation of the answers to our prayers, demonstrating unwavering faith. For it is faith that pleases God, guiding us through battles and crises before we see their resolution.

Let's declare boldly, "God, we trust in your faithfulness to move once more in our nation, in our communities, and in our families!" Just as He has done before, we believe He will act again.

May this message uplift your spirits and empower you to spread encouragement to those around you.

Blessings abound in Christ!


Rev. Jenn Lucas serves as the District Superintendent to the Great Miami River District within the West Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church. 

Jenn brings her passion for ministry and extensive experience to her role. She has been in ministry since 1997, serving a church in Perrysburg, Ohio, which happens to be her stomping grounds. Interestingly, she grew up in Toledo, Ohio. Her journey into ministry began when she was touring with a choir group called the Continental Singers, and she felt a divine tug on her heart, urging her to do more. Since then, she has been dedicated to serving her community and fostering spiritual growth in others.

Rev. Lucus will be here at John Wesley UMC on May 5, 2024, to give the Sunday message. Please join us at the 9:00 a.m. Java Cafe Hour to welcome her.

A Prayer Minister will be available at the

back corner of Dunlap Hall, for at least

15 minutes after the benediction.

Masks will be worn when requested.

Prayer Minister this week is Nikki Griffin

Pastor Kalamba's Thursday Bible Study will resume on May 9th when he is back from this year's General Conference in North Carolina.

Please pray for our church leadership this week and next as they work together towards a common goal.

Children's teachers are needed! Please sign up in Dunlap Hall. Do you have an idea to make lesson plans easier? How can the Children's ministry grow? How can you help in Children's Sunday School? How can Children's Sunday School improve?

Jennifer needs help if you have any ideas or suggestions please see her or email her at Familyministy@jwumc.com 

VBS is fast 


be on the lookout for meetings and ways to help!

Come Be A

VBS Volunteer!

Youth Group envelope challenge in Dunlap Hall will only be up until the end of April. We are about half way to our goal! Thankyou so much for your generosity. 

Last youth group will be May 5th and then we will be out for summer. Come join in learning, games, food and more! 

Youth Basket Auction will be May 19th.

If you are willing to help there is a sign up sheet in Dunlap Hall. 

Join Us May 5th!

We Are Looking For Mow-Ti-Vated Volunteers!

We need volunteers to keep the

grass mowed during the spring,

summer and fall. Andy Shreve and

Dave Medkeff are the CMO'S

(Chief Mowing Officers) and would appreciate your assistance.

Dave and Andy can teach you

how to operate the equipment and maybe promote you a CHO (Chief Helping Officer). A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in Dunlap Hall.

Thank you for your

cooperation in advance,

The Trustees

The 9:00 Sunday school class has converted half of Wesley Hall into two pickleball courts.


We have three times reserved weekly for those of you who would like to join us. We're set up for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-6:00 and Saturdays from 10:00 to noon. You need to enter by the back Wesley Hall door, and ring the doorbell if you do not have a key.

Contact Marilyn Shultz if you have questions.


THANK YOU so much for your generosity in providing food for the clients of SOUL PANTRY!

For the months of April and May, we are asked to collect salad dressings, paper towels, and toothpaste. 

Thanks again for helping those you do not know. 

PS. We can also use plastic grocery bags.

Shared Blessings In April

Too often these days, we read about the overwhelming number of individuals and families experiencing homelessness, including folks in nearby cities. For over 30 years, Found House IHN has provided a number of services to families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Last Spring, they opened an apartment complex for 26 families and continue to provide many services for those residents and others who need help.

On their Facebook page, they recently posted this message:

“Found House IHN expresses profound gratitude for the backing from congregations, volunteers, donors, and partners. Your unwavering support is the cornerstone of our mission, and we are immensely grateful for your contribution. Thank you for playing an essential role in our journey!”


The Missions team hopes you get some satisfaction knowing that, in a small way, we are making a difference for families who need homes.



  1. Any time during April, bring a check with Sharing/Found House on the memo line or cash in an envelope marked the same way and put it in the offering plate.
  2. You can also send a check to the church marked Sharing/Found House


As we appreciate our homes, especially during very cold days, we can feel good about helping provide this basic need for others.

Matthew 25 Volunteer Opportunities

Our next opportunity to serve is on Saturday April 20th, 2024,

from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. 

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Larissa Waldorf at email: waldorflarissa@gmail.com(home)

or Larissa_Waldorf@cinfin.com(work), or both,

or my cell phone # is 513-488-9169.

See you then!

Click To Read - Current News and Notes 

News and Notes is a news publication of the Great Miami River District of the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church.

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