August 2021 — Issue #47
A Word from the CEO

As we prepare to celebrate the High Holidays with family and friends, please stay safe and remember to observe pandemic protocols. All of us at the JRB hope that 5782 brings you health and happiness, peace and prosperity -- all of life's blessings.

This issue of the Pulse continues our series on the JRB's investment options with a look at the Fidelity Freedom® Funds, our Target Date Fund (TDF) option. The article explains how TDFs work and provides specific information on the structure and performance of the Fidelity Freedom® Funds. Links to the other articles in this series are available in the "In Case You Missed It" section of the Newsletter (see below).

The JRB Board of Trustees warmly welcomes Dr. Edward Edelstein, CJE, as the Jewish Educators Assembly (JEA) representative to the Board. We look forward to working with Dr. Edelstein to expand retirement benefits to teachers and administrators at religious schools and Hebrew day schools.

As always, please contact us to discuss any aspect of your overall financial security. Send us an email with your question or call 888-JRB-FREE (572-3733).

Wishing You and Your Family a Shana Tova u'Metuka,
Understanding Target Date Funds:
Fidelity Freedom® Funds
Target Date Funds are designed for long-term investors with little interest, willingness and/or time to manage their own portfolio.
JRB Board of Trustees Welcomes Dr. Edward Edelstein, CJE
The JRB welcomes JEA Executive Director Dr. Edward Edelstein to the JRB Board of Trustees.
Schedule a Consultation Today
Call us at 888-JRB FREE (572-3733) to set up your complimentary financial consultation.

Or, send us an email and we'll get back to you to set up an appointment.
In Case You Missed It. . .
From the JRB Learning Center

JRB Investment Offerings
This information is for general purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or investment advice.