March 2020 — Issue #30
A Word from the CEO

I'm writing this the day after the S&P 500 dropped nearly 13% but I'm telling myself that I have not lost money in the stock market. Why? Because I am putting my panic aside and keeping a long-term perspective. I have not lost money in the stock market because I am not selling today. See our article below to learn more.

A while ago I saw an article in a popular investing website, The Motley Fool, titled The Most Important Retirement Chart. That may be an overstatement, but the chart presents useful information on the amount of income you can sustainably withdraw from your retirement account annually based on your account balance. It's a quick way to see how well your projected retirement savings match your income needs. The earlier in your career you set a retirement savings goal, the more likely you can put in place the saving and investment strategy to meet it.

These are trying times for all of us. I urge you to focus on the most important thing — the health of your family, your community and yourself. As long-term investors, our message is to stay the course. We do not invest for a week or a month; we invest for lifetimes.

Also know that you can always call the JRB to discuss any concerns you may have about your ability to achieve your financial goals. Please contact us by email or call us at 888-JRB-FREE (572-3733).

L' Shalom,
I Have Not Lost Money in the
Stock Market
Because I Am Not Selling Today
It may seem odd, but here's an investing lesson from Bart Simpson.
How Much Income Can
My Retirement Account Provide?
After a lifetime of saving, how much can you expect to withdraw from your retirement account each year for the rest of your life?
Make an appointment to speak with Mitch to discuss how to achieve your financial and retirement goals.
This information is for general purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or investment advice.