March 2019 -- Issue #18
A Word from the CEO

Good News on the housing allowance! A 3-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago unanimously upheld the constitutionality of the parsonage allowance. We could not have asked for a better verdict. Learn more about the decision in our article below.

The January issue of the Financial Pulse (#16) included an article describing the benchmarks the JRB uses to assess the performance of the stock mutual funds we offer. In this issue we extend the description of benchmarks to include those used by the JRB to evaluate our bond mutual funds. The bond market is large and complex; knowledge of the benchmarks can improve your understanding of bonds in general and your bond asset allocation in particular.

The JRB has published 30 articles on taxes, Social Security, retirement planning, investment fundamentals and the current investment climate since releasing the first edition of the Financial Pulse in October 2017. To make it easier to find these articles, we've created a Financial Pulse Archive on the website. I encourage you to take a look.

To answer questions about the articles in this newsletter or to discuss your financial plan, please call me at 888-JRB-FREE (572-3733).

Constitutionality of
Housing Allowance Upheld
The U.S. Court of Appeals found that the housing allowance meets all the constitutional tests regarding the free exercise of religion and the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
Investment Fundamentals:
Bond Mutual Fund Benchmarks
The JRB offers 7 mutual funds benchmarked to a bond index. This article explores each index and can improve your understanding of the assets held in each fund.
Montreal, Canada - May 5-8 Mitch will attend the Rabbinical Assembly Convention at the Omni Mont-Royal Hotel. Schedule an appointment.

Louisville, Kentucky - May 19-23 Mitch will attend the Cantors Assembly Convention at the Louisville Marriott Downtown. Schedule an appointment.

Make an appointment to speak with Mitch to discuss how to achieve your financial and retirement goals.