February 2019 -- Issue #17
A Word from the CEO

The beginning of the year is generally a good time to perform some financial housekeeping. You are probably already going through your finances in preparation for filing your taxes. You are also receiving the year-end statements on your investment portfolio. With this information in-hand, the JRB encourages you to see if the assets in your portfolio have drifted away from your desired allocation. If so, it may be time to rebalance. Our article explains what this means and how to rebalance your JRB account.

Our article on Social Security and Medicare describes six changes that take place in 2019. These changes affect how much you pay into the programs through payroll taxes as well as how much the programs pay out in benefits. It's a must-read for everyone.

Finally, please join me in congratulating the new Chair of the JRB Board of Trustees, Mr. Robert Shapiro. Bob has served on the Board since 1997 representing the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. His experience in the insurance industry and employee benefits brings great insight and expertise to the Board. For more information on Bob and the Trustees on the newly elected Executive Committee, see the article below.

To answer questions about the articles in this newsletter or to discuss your financial plan, please set up an appointment to speak with me or call 888-JRB-FREE (572-3733).

Rebalancing Your Portfolio
This article can help you determine if market volatility caused your assets to drift away from your preferred allocation ⎼ and how to bring your asset allocation back into balance.
6 Changes to Social Security
and Medicare
These six changes to Social Security and Medicare will affect you whether you are paying into the program or receiving benefits.
JRB Board Elects New Chair
and Executive Committee
At its most recent meeting the JRB Board of Trustees elected a new Chair and Executive Committee.

Congratulations to them all!

New York City: Encore 2019: Preparing for Retirement - On March 6, the Rabbinical Assembly and the JRB will sponsor a one-day conference for rabbis retiring within 15 years. The session costs $75. Register Now.

West Palm Beach: On March 10-12, Doug Spangler will attend the North American Association of Synagogue Executives International Conference. Schedule an appointment.

Make an appointment to speak with Mitch to discuss how to achieve your financial and retirement goals.