JPTearsheet, December, 2020 Vol. XII No. 12
"No one deserves to consume wealth without producing it, or to consume happiness without producing it."
—  Alan Weiss

The Day After
Historically Americans have been the most generous people – not only on earth today, but throughout human history. One report from Lending Tree claimed that Americans have led all the peoples of the earth in charitable giving for nearly 250 years. The same report showed that 60 percent of Americans donated to charity in 2018 (the most recent data available) and 34 percent did so more than once. 

According to Giving USA, Americans donated $427 billion in 2018. Giving USA also notes that the top 3 most popular causes among donors are: education, health and human services.

And at no time are Americans more generous with their treasure and time than during the holiday season from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

As encouraging as all that is, there is a sad note. Although there is no shortage of food and clothing drives in the weeks leading up to Christmas, the challenges facing people in need are just as prevalent on December 26 as they were in the previous few weeks.

When you move on from your generous efforts – for which you should be applauded to no end – people will still be hungry and in need on December 26… 27… 28… etc. Just because the holidays have passed, don’t think that people’s needs have passed as well.

Have a safe, healthy and happy holiday… The JPT Group.

Bare facts.  It seems that 58 percent of Americans admit to “typically” sleeping naked.

When all the votes were counted.  Legendary Alabama football coach Bear Bryant received 1.5 votes for president at the Democratic party nominating convention in 1968.
– Wikipedia

So much for the old 80/20. Analysis by the Pew Research Center shows that just 10 percent of Twitter users produced 92 percent of all tweets from U.S. adults since November 2019.
—  Strategies and Tactics

The friendly skies. The pandemic may have devastated air travel, but Qatar Airlines reports to flying 500 cows, goats, sheep and horses everyday.
— The Week

The deepest cut of all. Fifty-two percent of small business owners have stopped paying themselves in an effort to keep their businesses running.

The right to antler arms. Frightened by a group of Czech hunters, a deer charged the group and one of the hunter’s weapons was caught in the animal’s antlers. Police are searching for the pilfered rifle.
New York Post

Fore! Golf balls can be cleaned in your dishwasher using the utensil holder or a mesh lingerie bag.

You voted for who?  Last month a man named Adolf Hitler was elected councilor of the Ompundja constituency in Namibia.
Huffington Post
Is there a newsletter
in your future?
If you think a newsletter should be in your future, The JPT Group can help. Download our free digital booklet – Getting Started with Your Newsletter – from the JPT Group website to get some basic questions answered as well as a little inspiration to nudge you forward. Be sure to check out “Something Special” at the end.

Quote of the Month:
“It is amazing how much can be accomplished if no one cares who gets the credit.”
–  John Wooden

Month of the Month:
Today – December 15 – is Cat Herders Day, International Tea Day and National Cupcake Day. It’s all part of Bingo’s Birthday Month.

Question of the Month:

How many possible configurations are there of the Rubik’s Cube?

Hint: the number is larger than the national debt.
Streaming of Consciousness
The Covid lockdown has forced many people, and many companies and institutions to turn to virtual meetings and online learning. Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Team and other such platforms have exploded during the past ten months.

According to Forbes (and others), since February the following online learning companies have seen significant spikes in investment: MasterClass +$100 million, Coursera +$130 million and Skillshare +$66 million.

And who has been turning to online learning? There have been audience gains across the board: general consumers +398 percent, business subscriptions +324 percent, government partners +277 percent and university students +1,662 percent.

“Career success can only be sustained from the first row no matter how great the arena.”
— Gina Rubel
Hard Hitting Lessons
A gridiron MBA? OK, maybe that’s not possible, but see how much you can learn about business from football in my book, Hard Hitting Lessons. The subtitle says it all, “Some not-so-obvious business lessons learned from playing football.”

Most people associate football with learning things like hard work, discipline, teamwork, etc. That’s all very true. But what can you learn about business from football? According to Hard Hitting Lessons, a lot. This book will explain it all – from human resources to strategic planning and more. Yes, there’s a lot to be learned from playing football about business – and even about life itself. 

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