Volunteer News from the Desk of Dana Shapiro | |
Quarterly Newsletter: July 2024
Dear Volunteer Community,
Hope you are having a good summer and finding ways to slow down these long and hot days, as we know fall and the busyness of the school year will be here before we know it. Speaking of fall, JFCS is helping to get out the vote for the upcoming elections. Remember to vote in the primary election on Aug. 13 to help determine who is on the ballot in the November election. Click here to view information about the upcoming elections. Help spread the word to family and friends to be sure they vote, find out where your polling place will be, and view any other helpful voting-related information. Thank you for your continued support of JFCS and our volunteer services! Read on to learn more about the many ways you can engage with JFCS and give of your time and talents in the coming months. I'm always an email or phone call away, so don't hesitate to reach out if you want to connect.
In this edition, you will find:
- Volunteer Spotlight - Meet Sandra and Belle
- Volunteers Needed for upcoming events
- Volunteers Needed - More ways to help
- Recap of Volunteer Appreciation Event & Annual Meeting
- Pictures of Recent Volunteering
Dana Shapiro, Community & Volunteer Engagement Manager
dshapiro@jfcsmpls.org or 952.417.2112
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Volunteer Spotlight - Meet Sandra and Belle | |
>Click here to read the July Spotlight
Thank you to Sandra and Belle for all that you do for JFCS! If this spotlight inspired you to volunteer, there are a number of ways for people of all ages to get involved in JFCS.
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Volunteers needed for upcoming events | |
PRISM Produce Distribution - Aug. 20
Join JFCS Volunteers in Action the afternoon of Tuesday, Aug. 20, to help provide fresh produce to our community at one of PRISM's upcoming produce distribution events. We are looking for 20 volunteers. This is a three-hour time commitment with no prior food packing experience required to sign up. Each volunteer will get a free JFCS in Action t-shirt (if they don't already have one from a past VIA event). PRISM staff will provide you with an orientation to PRISM and the tasks to be done before the event starts. >Click here for more info and to sign up to volunteer.
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Hospitality Volunteers for the 36th Annual Benefit - Dec. 7
JFCS is looking for hospitality volunteers to help with our biggest fundraiser of the year on Saturday night, Dec. 7, at the Minneapolis Marriott Southwest. This role involves greeting guests and directing them to activities, food, and the program. Shifts will be available so volunteers can enjoy the evening as well. Contact Peggy at pmandel@jfcsmpls.org or 952-542-4814 to help with hospitality.
* Mark your calendars now to join for this year's enchanting 36th Annual Benefit. There will be a livesteaming option for those unable to attend in person. Watch for more details on this exciting event!
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Volunteers needed - more ways to help | |
Seeking Gift Selection Co-Chair for Hag Sameach (Happy Holidays)
We're looking for an additional co-chair to assist with the Gift Selection shifts in the JFCS warehouse this fall. This is a fun and social opportunity where you will assist in guiding volunteers in choosing gift items for program recipients. When a gift bag is completed, you will do the checkout process to verify that the bag has been completed and then label the bags and put it in a bin. Volunteer must be able to lift up to 20 pounds and be able to walk throughout the warehouse for up to two hours at a time in order to meet the needs of this role. Contact Mindy at mteele@jfcsmpls.org if you are interested.
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Volunteer receptionist help in the afternoon
We're looking for friendly and professional volunteers to help at the front desk a minimum of four hours per week on regularly scheduled afternoons to greet visitors, answer phone calls, and set the tone to ensure a welcoming and positive experience for clients, guests and staff. Training and support will be provided by the Administrative Professionals Team. Contact Dana at dshapiro@jfcsmpls.org if you are interested.
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Support our seniors
Shopping Services - Volunteer needed to provide clients with a personal escort for shopping and other errands. The shopper provides transportation, and clients can make up to three stops (e.g. bank, grocery store, post office) in each two-hour shopping period. Kosher Meals on Wheels - Volunteer needed with weekly delivery on Tuesdays. Volunteer to pick up meals from JFCS around 10 a.m. and deliver them to JFCS client living in Maple Grove. Contact Dana at dshapiro@jfcsmpls.org to help in one of these ways.
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Participate in a JFCS-themed Mitzvah Project
Let JFCS help you prepare for your big day of becoming a B’Mitzvah and embracing the Jewish value of tikkun olam (repair of the world). Our projects are open to anyone and are great options for individuals (B’Mitzvah students, teens, and adults) and groups (families, schools, book clubs, mahjong groups, community organizations, businesses, etc.) looking to make a positive impact in the community. We can cater the project to your needs and interest. Contact Dana at dshapiro@jfcsmpls.org to get involved.
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Recap of Volunteer Appreciation Event and Annual Meeting | |
Thanks to all those who attended our annual Volunteer Appreciation Event, which took place at Sebastian Joe's on May 16. The weather was beautiful and it was nice to get the chance to visit with so many of you. Congrats to the volunteer honorees Marcia Williams and Kate Williams, who were recognized at our 114th Annual Meeting on June 6 for all their contributions to JFCS. Welcome to our newly elected JFCS Boards of Directors! | |
Thank you to everyone who contributed their time, energy and talents these past few months to support JFCS programs in a number of ways | |
Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate Pride with us! Check out this recent blog post. Whether you were at the Pride Shabbat service on Saturday morning, marching in the parade on Sunday, volunteering at the J-Pride booth, or stopped by to say hi, thank you for your support! It's estimated that around 600,000 people attended TC Pride this year. | |
Some of the other ways volunteers helped recently: Freedom from Addiction Seder, Volunteers in Action Puppy Parade at Jones-Harrison, Shalom Baby Shower, YALA's Jewish Drag Show, Board Event supporting Hag Sameach, JFCS Annual Meeting, at the front desk (welcome to our new volunteer receptionist, Mimi Klane!), and at the Intergenerational Game Night. | |
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
5905 Golden Valley Rd | Golden Valley, MN 55422
952-546-0616 | 952-593-1778 fax | www.jfcsmpls.org
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