Research has shown that there are tremendous benefits to having a network of supportive relationships. When you have people in your life who can provide advice, offer guidance, and be a presence in times of uncertainty, your sense of security and comfort is increased immensely. This is especially true for those who are unemployed or underemployed. Struggling with your career and livelihood can take a profound emotional toll, and having support is crucial if you want to keep a positive mindset


At JFCS, our Re-Launch program fulfills the role of support system for our clients who need career guidance. We are there for them from the first moment we speak to them until they secure a new job. From the very basics of writing a cover letter and resume to the more advanced process of improving interview skills and using LinkedIn, our Re-Launch team instills confidence in our clients. Having someone in their corner, always willing to offer a helping hand, is a priceless commodity to those who feel lost or stuck


The impact of Re-Launch is seen in the case of a recent JFCS client. A father of two young children was having trouble finding steady work since he was laid off during Covid. Being unemployed or underemployed for the better part of 2 years took a major toll on his self-confidence and will to improve his situation. When he came to JFCS for help, our Re-Launch advisor immediately helped him improve his resume and coached him on how to identify appropriate open positions. He found that the interview skills he learned were really useful and believes that is what made him stand out when he recently landed a new job. The thing that stayed with him the most was how much his Re-Launch advisor cared about him and his goals. That is what gave him the confidence to persevere through what is usually a very tough experience. "Thank you so much for all your help with my resume, LinkedIn, and interview skills. I could not have accomplished this without your support." 


Life presents all of us with many challenges. Sometimes, all one needs to fight through them is the skilled support of someone who cares. 

Dear JFCS Family, 

The warm and helping hand described above reflects the essence of the work we do. The goal of everyone on the JFCS staff is to do their part to let those in need know that they are never alone.

As we plan our seders and Passover holiday, the only thing that really matters is who will be sitting at our respective tables…family, friends – our support systems.

May we all take a moment to think of those who are not as fortunate as us but take comfort in that your involvement at JFCS enables us to be the support system they may not have.

May you and your family and friends enjoy being together and celebrating.

May we all remember the hostages who remain in captivity and may we all pray for peace.

Wishing you a zeesin Pesach!!
