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In this edition of the newsletter are the following articles:

1.      An invitation to register for a free poetry program

2.      Information about the JACO book club

3.      An opportunity to submit a paper to IAJS

4.      A link to a recent Richard Sweeney podcast

5.      An essay on “Jung’s Five Pillars of a Good Life”

6.      Why I Serve, by JACO Board Member Martha Gostely

7.      Reminder of the Virtual Art Gallery featuring the works of JACO founder Claire Hagan Bauza

The Unconscious Takes Note:

Jungian Influence on the Poetry of Paula J. Lambert

In person at 1550 Old Henderson Road, Suite N142 Columbus, OH 43220 AND on Zoom

June 15 from 3 – 5 PM

Though this is a free program, registration is required so that we can plan for on-site participation as well as ensure that on-line participants receive their Zoom link. Donations are always welcome and gratefully received.

Artwork by JACO member Claire Hagan Bauza

Register Here

We are delighted to announce that Paula J. Lambert, an award-winning Ohio poet whose work has long been influenced by the work of C.G. Jung and her own intense dream work, will be our speaker in June. Lambert has authored five chapbooks, including Uncertainty (The Only Hope We Have) (Bottlecap Press 2023) and four poetry collections.  Her newest collection of poetry, As If This Did Not Happen Every Day (Sheila-Na-Gig Editions 2024), will be the focus of her presentation. This collection moves forward from the mostly bird-oriented poems she has been working on for years, focusing now on creatures such as fish, whales, turtles, and snakes. In her presentation she will draw upon Jung materials as well as read from her own work. Lambert’s work reflects her belief that salvation, if it is to be had, is not in mimicking the patriarchal. Rather, grace lies within the larger, divine concept of a collective feminine intending to bring the world back to its natural balance.

JACO BOOK CLUB Facilitated by JACO Board Member Mary Marx

First meeting June 9, 2024 from 4 to 5 PM by Zoom

Register below

Artwork by JACO member Claire Hagan Bauza

We have wrapped up Part I of Man & His Symbols. It has been a very interesting journey, and it has been wonderful having so many of you join us. We are giving serious consideration to continuing with this book in the fall. However, for now, and after much discussion, we have decided to explore a different angle of Jungian psychology/philosophy.  Starting on Sunday, June 9, 2024, Board Member Mary Marx has graciously offered to lead a discussion on a 70-minute lecture by Lionel Corbett to study ideas from his book the God-Image: From Antiquity to Jung. We will meet 3-4 times watching segments of the video followed by discussion.

According to Corbett, a new God-image is emerging alongside our traditional God-images. According to Jung, an innate God-image (the Self) exists in the psyche and allows a personal connection to the sacred. Images of the Self have a particular quality about them, e.g., mysterious, fascinating, awesome, dreadful, and uncanny. They point to wholeness and completion. Corbett says that God images in traditional religions and sacred texts such as the Bible “might be intellectually and emotionally satisfying (even if not directly experienced) but personal numinous experience is more convincing.” In addition to explaining Jung’s approach and providing rich examples, Corbett shows how Jung’s ideas bypass difficulties in traditional teachings, such as how a God of Absolute Goodness can be reconciled with evil and suffering in the world.

All meetings will be by Zoom starting Sunday, June 9, 2024 from 4-5 pm and every 2 weeks thereafter.  Coming to Book Club is free, but you do need to register so that we can send you the Zoom link and contact you in the event of any changes. If you have any questions, feel free to let us know. This should be a great discussion!

Book Club Registration Here


Jung and Duality: Contemporary Thought 

December 6th - 8th 2024, ONLINE

Presented by:  International Association for Jungian Studies

Jung and Duality: Contemporary Thought December 6th - 8th 2024, ONLINE (google.com)

Richard Sweeney Podcast

Posted by the Spirituality Network, which is closely aligned to JACO, Dick Sweeney was on the team that created the first Wellstreams program of spiritual direction training. For more information regarding the Spirituality Network, visit their website at Spiritualitynetwork.org  

Here is the link for Dick’s podcast in which he shares a primer on Carl Jung and how Jung's work leads to greater awakening.

Dick's Podcast

Jung’s Five Pillars of a Good Life

From The Atlantic, April 11, 2024: “The great Swiss psychoanalyst left us a surprisingly practical guide to being happier. April 11, 2024 In the world of popular psychology, the work of one giant figure is hard to avoid: Carl Jung, the onetime associate of Sigmund Freud who died more than 60 years ago. If you think you have a complex about something, the Swiss psychiatrist invented that term. Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Those are his coinages, too. Persona, archetype, synchronicity: Jung, Jung, Jung. 



I have found at JACO a community of kind, smart and open folks interested in growing spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually. Through participation in JACO programs and activities and relationships with my fellow travelers, I have found that, indeed, as the saying goes, “We are all just walking one another home.”

Visit JACO's

Virtual Art Gallery

A Tribute to JACO

Founder and Artist

Claire Hagan Bauza

35 images from her body of work

in recognition of JACO's 35th anniversary

Visit Claire's Art Gallery Exhibit

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Jung Association of Central Ohio

1320 Cambridge Blvd. Columbus, Ohio 43212


