Dear JA Board Members,

Two months into my role with Junior Achievement of Wisconsin, I am beyond impressed with the individuals who serve on our statewide and regional boards of directors. Your commitment to the mission of JA is vital to everything we do. Every day, students across the state build critical life skills because of your generosity of time, talent and treasure. I can’t wait to meet more of you and learn your thoughts on building a shared vision for the future. Thank you! 
This newsletter is intended to update you on our accomplishments, highlight upcoming events and provide ways for you and your team members to get involved. Please let me know your feedback so we can provide you with the information you need and want. 
Julie Granger | President
Junior Achievement of Wisconsin
11111 W. Liberty Dr. | Milwaukee, WI. 53224
M: 414-788-4333 | O: 414-577-3810
WOWs | Sharing Our Success
JA Holiday Auction
The JA Holiday Auction was held on December 2, 2023. Once again this "must-attend" event surpassed all expectations, netting $295,500 (7% above goal). We Energies Foundation hosted the event for nearly 200 people in their beautiful facility in downtown Milwaukee. View Photos
First-Ever JA Stock Market Challenge
The first-ever JA Stock Market Challenge took place at UW-Green Bay Sheboygan Campus in December. Nearly 60 high school students tested their "real-world" investment strategies in a fast-paced, stock market simulation. After learning about investments through JA Take Stock in Your Future curriculum, students worked in teams to see how successful they were at investing in a fictional stock market.

Students also listened to a presentation by Dr. Preston Cherry, Director of the Charles Schwab Center for Personal Financial Planning Center at UW-Green Bay. This unique classroom program and event was piloted in the Sheboygan area with plans to expand to other areas of the state in the 2024-25 school year. View Video
Well on Our Way to Hitting Our Goals
We have over 84,000 students registered for JA programs across the state. We're two-thirds of the way to our goal of 126,672 students! As of January 1st, we are 42% to our statewide philanthropy goal. To learn more about JA programming, visit our JA Programs page.
JA Stands Ready to Help Educators Fulfill New State Mandate
Wisconsin recently became the 24th state in the country to enact a law that makes a one-semester course about financial literacy a requirement for high school graduation. The new mandate is in effect for the 2028 graduating class.  

JA offers a full-semester JA Financial Literacy® course for high school students that is teacher-led and volunteer-supplemented. If you know high school educators or principals, please share this information with them and encourage them to contact their local JA office. Learn More
NOWs | Seeking Your Support
Help Us Fill Open Staff Positions
Several new JA Career Opportunities are available across the state including South Central Regional Director in the Madison area, Capstone Education Coordinator at our Appleton facility, as well as Capstone Operations Coordinator and Volunteer Experience Coordinator at our Milwaukee office. Please view our current openings and share them with your family, friends, and professional colleagues. View Current Openings
Do You Know A Student Entrepreneur that Could Use a $10,000 Scholarship?
The application window is open for Wisconsin students to participate in the 2024 Young Entrepreneur Competition. Students in 5th-12th grade who own their own business are encouraged to apply before the January 12, 2024 deadline. The top 4 applicants will be given the opportunity to present their business to four celebrity judges on March 6, 2024 and vie for a $10,000 scholarship. Learn More
JA Volunteers Needed Across the State
Over 1,200 Wisconsin classrooms are in need of JA volunteers. Each area of the state has JA Days and other special events taking place during the 2nd semester of this school year. Contact your nearest JA office for more information on opportunities near you. One critical need is in the Milwaukee and Appleton facilities, where 15–20 volunteers are needed every school day for students in JA BizTown and JA Finance Park. If interested, contact Angela Franks at