When we re-open our doors, it is extra critical for us to take all the measures to protect our clients, myself and the community as well.
We are operating following CDC requirements for everyone's safety. These are our measures to ensure every's safety.
At this time our self online scheduling will be closed.
Before scheduling the appointment each
client will be asked the following 5 questions. Ideally,
please answer these 5 questions via email
in advance of discussing making an appointment in person for medical necessity:
1. Have you been ill or felt any symptoms related to Covid 19 within the last 14 days?
2. Have you been in contact with anyone who has been ill or felt symptoms related to Covid 19 in the past 14 days?
3. Have you travelled or being in contact with anyone who has travelled within the last 14 days?
4. Have you been to any gatherings with more than 5 people in the past 14 days?
5. Have you followed " Stay at home orders"?
After receiving the answer to the questions, we can decide if an in-clinic or a Telehealth session is more appropriate.
After scheduling the appointment the following measures need to take place to ensure everyone's safety.
All clients will be asked to wash their hands before entering the clinic.
2. All clients and myself will be required to wear a mask while they are in a clinic.
3. At this time, we can only have one person at a time in a clinic. I will schedule people so there is enough time for only one person at a time in a clinic.
4. I am scheduling in-person appointments such that there will be enough time between clients, so I can clean all surfaces, table, door nabs etc.
5. I am going to wash my hands before entering the room with you.
Please be completely honest with all questions that are asked of you. The only way we can open our clinic doors and help those in pain is to follow strict guidelines that we have set. If we do not follow those guidelines we may risk closing the doors and not be able to help our clients in person. We can help you immediately through you
self-scheduling a Telehealth appointment
2. Please call or e-mail us immediately if you feel ill, or you have been in contact with someone who is ill, or find out someone you have been in contact with
becomes diagnosed with COVID-19.
3. Please have patience during this time as our policies could change on a daily basis.
4. Call or e-mail with any questions.
Please contact us at any time with questions. There is no need for you to suffer at home with pain or not progress after your surgery.
We have many different options to help you
Remember, we are opening April 27th as a soft opening for existing clients for Medical Necessity Only, arranged individually by telephone, but are
fully open now for Telehealth virtual appointments
. Please try our remote services and self-help approach to serving you. And stay safe and centered.
Best to you and your loved ones,