Body Scanning
The main tool that we use when we are initially treating chronic pain and symptoms is learning to connect and feel the body as it is in the present moment. Most of the time chronic pain is so loud and overwhelming that all we want to do is get rid of it and not feel pain any more. That is totally understandable. We go to a doctor who gives us a diagnosis, which in most cases is just a description of symptoms, but not the cause of pain.
In order to do it effectively, to get to the root cause of the pain, we need to learn and develop the skill of body scanning. Learning how to feel and become aware of the underlying causes of pain are the important keys to effectively treat it.
Many times chronic and persistent pain is just a symptom of deeper issues and restrictions in our body. Expanding our awareness and sensing the body beyond and underneath the pain is the next step to properly connect with root issues.
We can do it in a standing position, sitting or initially the best approach is in lying down.
Developing the habit of doing it daily will help us to learn a new skill to connect with our body. Initially it may feel uncomfortable or like we are not sure if we are doing it correctly, but if you stick with it, it will become easier and more effective.
So just start first with lying down. Take a few, deep, cleansing breaths into your belly. Ask your mind to become quiet, simply allowing the attention to stay on the body and not engage in thinking or mind chatter.
Slowly start scanning the body from your feet, to your pelvis, into your belly, chest area, and all the way up towards the head. Stay non-judgmental and simply become curious.  
Observe, breathe, take your time, notice.
As we are scanning the body, we want to become aware of symptoms, but also, and more importantly, pay attention in 7 areas:
  1. Alignment:  Does one part feel off, compressed, shifted, twisted, rotated
  2. Color difference: Areas that are perceived as dark or light
  3. Energy distribution: Areas that feel pulsing, vibration, stagnant, empty, not flowing
  4. Neurological sensation: Tingling, numbness
  5. Size difference: Does one-part feel bigger or smaller vs another part.
  6. Temperature: Does one part feel hot, cold, burning
  7. Weight difference: Does any part feel heavier vs lighter, fuller vs empty
Initially, take any pressure off of yourself, quiet your mind and don't worry about if you are doing it right or wrong. Just keep practicing. At times it may feel that it is hard to find words to describe what you feel. Communicate with your therapist and it will be easier with some guidance.
Remember, we are not here to analyze why it is the way it is. All we need to become aware of is the difference, as this is a crucial part of healing.
So, happy body scanning and let us know your progress in establishing a better mind-body connection.
If you want to be guided through the process, Schedule an appointment and we will walk you through an inner awareness, physical therapy or myofascial release session.

Izabela Adamus | Wholistic Therapeutics | (708) 525-4640 |