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November 19, 2023

A Note from the Director

Dear Families,

This will be a short week, as there is no school for students and staff Wednesday through Friday, November 22-24. November continues with examples of kindness and thankfulness for IvyCares Month. The library has a book giveaway for students and staff on Monday and Tuesday, November 20/21. Plus, see below for more IvyCares learning opportunities.

We have several reminders for events and things to know, including a mental health team presentation for families, our annual bookfair, the PTA parent/caregiver hangout and planning for a spring St. Patrick's dance. Make sure to scroll down and mark your calendars.

Finally, we want to ensure that you're receiving information on time from Ivymount. This Constant Contact email platform that we use to send you the IvyNotes newsletter is also the tool through which we send other information, such as policy updates, announcements, PTA event information, etc... We ask that you not Unsubscribe to any individual emails, as that will remove you from ALL emails. Please let us know if you're not seeing regular communications.

IvyNotes will return on December 3. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Susan Holt


Dates to Remember

November 20-21

Book Giveaway in Library

November 22-24

Thanksgiving Holiday/No School

November 29

Online Family Mental Health Presentation

December 4 - 8

Book Fair

December 11 - 15

Winter Spirit Week

December 18-29

Winter Break

PTA Dates to Remember

December 6

Parent/Caregiver Hangout

January 9

Winter PTA Meeting

April 12

Spring PTA Meeting

Scroll down to the PTA section for more information.

Ivymount Continues to Celebrate IvyCares

This week, students showed how they care for themselves and school. They wrote growth mindset statements and other positive affirmations on leaves for a “Be-Leaf in Yourself” bulletin board. Statements included topics such as transitions to public high schools and being a kind sibling and specific quotes, such as, “Be yourself,” “I can’t do it….yet!” and “This is tough, but so am I!” They also created Diversity Flowers, with petals decorated in the theme of BUDS - “Beautiful, Unique, Diverse Students.”

To care for others in school, students discussed compliments and “shout-outs,” then gave compliments to teachers, classmates, school administrators, and custodial staff who keep our school running smoothly! Students in Aspire ESMS classrooms also discussed recycling and respecting their classroom, including use of shared spaces and items.

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

Our Culturally Responsive Education Committee provided teams with lessons for Native American Heritage Month. Students in 211 learned about the origins and purpose of the month as well as the cultural significance of dream catchers. They then worked on a fun craft to make their own!

Dreamcatchers Lesson

Fall Feast

Aspire High school students participated in a “fall feast” on Friday, completing tasks such as cooking, setting up, serving and cleaning up. Homerooms made sides like cranberry sauce, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn and green beans to enjoy with chicken and turkey. A great time was had by all as friends enjoyed sharing a meal they worked on making together.

Student Handmade Cards for Sale

Gator Card Shop is now taking orders for Holiday Cards!

Each card is handmade by our Aspire Applied HS students.

Cards comes packaged with an envelope and is $1.00 per card.

Check student backpacks for forms or see below for link.

Order forms are due by Monday, November 27.

Click Here for Holiday Order Form

Mental Health Session for Families Nov 29

As part of this month's IvyCares initiative our Mental Health Lead, Michael Stromberg, LCSW-C, will be hosting a virtual seminar on managing stress on Wednesday, November 29 from 7 - 8 pm. Join the session from the comfort of home to learn how you can utilize mindfulness strategies and techniques as part of your self-care and increase effective parenting during difficult situations. We will share a meeting link prior to the session.

Thanksgiving Kindness

We all know that engaging in self-care activities helps us recharge our batteries and meet our challenges with greater ease. Sometimes, though, we forget that showing others how much we care for and are thankful for them not only gives them a boost, but ourselves too! Over Thanksgiving break, we invite you to consider incorporating some of these actions into your week with family, friends or even strangers. We suspect it will give the other person—and you—the warm fuzzies. 

  • Write a kind message to someone you care about and appreciate but don’t usually tell. Send the message via text, email or a sticky note. 
  • Tape a quarter onto a gumball machine or “pay it forward” at the drive through to surprise an unsuspecting stranger. 
  • Make eye contact with and sincerely thank someone that provides you a service (i.e., cashier). 
  • Bake and deliver something yummy to a neighbor. 
  • When you leave a tip at a restaurant, include a kind handwritten message to your server. 
  • Hug a family member and tell them something specific that you love about them. 
  • Hold open the door for someone behind you in public and smile. 
  • Take 5-10 minutes to reflect on all of the things you are grateful for in your life.  
  • Start a journal with your child(ren). Write them a kind message, then leave it for them to write something back to you. Keep it going! 
  • Be kind to yourself. Remind yourself that you are enough just as you are.


LISS Funding Application Deadline

November 30

The deadline to apply for FY 2024-Round 2 Low Intensity Support Services (LISS) Program is quickly approaching! The LISS program is provided through the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) of the Maryland Department of Health. LISS financial assistance is awarded through a random selection process and can be applied to many Ivymount Outreach Programs or other eligible services/items.

Click here for more information


Book Fair Dec 4 - 8

The annual Book Fair is coming up soon in Library! A schedule will be posted on the Library door so classes can sign up for wishlist visits. Times for familes to visit will be shared soon.


For those who wish to shop online, visit: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/ivymountschool


Mr. T says "Happy Reading!"


PTA Planning a St. Patrick's Day Dance


The Ivymount School PTA is excited to host the first St. Patrick's Day Dance since before the pandemic. This dance is open to all programs and ages across the whole school.  We are looking for a few volunteers for the Dance Committee to help with planning and coordination. 

If you are interested in volunteering, please email Gillian.Economou@gmail.com

Parent/Caregiver Hangout - Corner Bakery Bethesda

Wednesday, December 6 at 9:15 am

Winter PTA Meeting via Zoom

Tuesday, January 9 - 7 to 8 pm

Spring PTA Meeting - In Person at Ivymount School

Friday, April 12 - 9:30 to 10:30 am

Holiday Cleanout? Donate to the Sneaker Drive

PTA sneaker fundraiser

If you're cleaning out spaces in your home to get ready for the holidays, remember that you can donate pairs of used sneakers (no crocs, sandals, dress shoes, or other types of shoes, please) to the PTA's ongoing Sneaker Drive. The PTA has partnered with GotSneakers. The drive helps those who need still-wearable sneakers, keeps old shoes out of the landfill, and raises funds for the PTA. You can send sneakers in with your student or drop them off in the labeled box in the foyer.

This is me

Read Ivymount's Six Decades Stories

Did you know that Ivymount Speech and language therapists created This is Me – a tool for neurodiverse individuals that helps them advocate for supports they need? Learn more about how This is Me helps students, potential employers and other professionals in the field in our latest Six Decades Story.

Giving Tuesday, November 28

Ivymount depends on the support of our entire community to provide quality programs for neurodiverse learners and their families. Giving Tuesday is coming up but you can get ahead of your cluttered 11/28 inbox. Your donation of any amount helps Ivymount move forward with momentum as we work to create positive outcomes for students and families. Start Giving Tuesday Early

Weekly Food Options

Gator Cafe

Monday - Friday

9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Gator Lunch Shop

Monday - Friday

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Ice Cream Shop


2:15 PM - 2:45 PM

Snow Cone Shack


11:00 AM - 11:40 AM

Gator Nachos


(Lunch Delivery Service Only)

Pizza Business


Weekly Food Options- Menus

Helpful Links

2023-24 School Calendar
Join the PTA Listserv
Visit our Website
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