"Alone, we can do little--together, we can do so much more."
The flu season has had a huge impact on our work this month. Our staff has been out sick with their children and other family members. As a community, we've experienced tragic deaths. And the needs of families have increased along with the demand for our services and support. We're launching the 1st transitional youth facility in Dane County and a drop-in center for youth. Next month our Chief Development Officer starts, and we couldn't be more excited. Check out our newsletter below for more updates.
Happy Holidays!

It's that time of the year when folks are getting sick, and the demand for services and support increases. And so does the work of Urban Triage. For the holidays this year, we've chosen to support 15 families currently enrolled in our programming. We've also chosen to give our staff two weeks of paid time off at the end of the year to thank them for all they've done and the work they'll continue to do as a team.

I have four asks of you to support our staff and community members during the holiday period and beyond:

  1. Please donate essential items to our staff to support them in remaining safe as they continue to do street outreach and community pop-ups. We need plastic gloves, disinfecting wipes and small hand sanitizers. Drop off items Monday through Friday at 2312 S Park St from 9 AM til 5 PM.
  2. Please donate essential items for our homeless community members--see the detailed list below.
  3. Please donate gas and gift cards for community members.
  4. Attend our fundraiser today from 5: 30PM to 7:30 PM at Short Stack Eatery--click the link below for ticket details.

This email was supposed to go out last week, and I failed to get it out between increased demand at work and processing my mom's passing-tt's been a tough and eye-opening week and experience, as life often is. I share this to say remember to be kind despite how others show up. Remember to be patient with yourself and others. And remember to take care of yourself. Say no when you need to, take time off when you need to, and adjust timelines to maintain your sanity. The work isn't going anywhere--you matter.

The holidays are hard for many reasons. You can make things easier for the people on the frontline and vulnerable community members by donating resources and essential items and attending our fundraiser. We ask a lot of you because caring for our community takes a community--we can't do this without you.

A big shout-out to YOU for your continuous support of our vision and efforts.

Hang with our CEO Brandi Grayson, Chief Operations Officer Leslie Oriedo, Operations Manager Sharmecia Brown, and other staff. Meet graduates of our training programs and hear what we're up to as an organization and where we're going. We have eight tickets left. Please click the link below for more information. Funds raised will support our youth services.
Essential items can be dropped off at the Transformation Center or Urban Triage. Urban Triage office is at 2312 S Park St, Madison, WI 53713. We're open Monday through Friday from 9 AM until 5 PM. If you need help with the items or would like to schedule a time for drop-off, or if you need us to pick items up, please email info@urbantriage.org. Transformation Center's address is below for an alternative drop-off location.
Drop off items at 2312 S Park St, Madison WI. Email info@urbantriage.org with questions or scheduling. We also can pick up items as needed.
Our partnership with Thoreau Elementary school is going well. We provide tutoring support to students every Monday and provide Supporting Health Black Youth programming as well. Students learn to mediate, advocate and express themselves, and they learn the importance of mastering self. Once a month, on Saturdays, we meet with the parents of the students, and they participate in our Supporting Healthy Black Families workgroup. Parents are learning new languages, distinctions, and tools for being present for their children and their selves. During that same time, students learn to use art to find their voice--to express their feelings and thoughts. We currently have 15 students participating, along with ten parents. Its been a rewarding experience for the parents, students, and staff.
Did you know that Urban Triage offers Transformative Education, Equity, and Social Justice Consulting? We offer effective leadership strategies and training regarding deep diversity, equity, and social justice issues that are delivered in sessions or workshops. Our consulting services are customized to fit your organizational needs with time for application between each period. Please get in touch with us today to discuss your needs and our offerings.
Below are some of the areas of consulting offered by our organization:
Short- and Long-Term Training & consulting, Individual Coaching, Strategic Planning, Mission Development, and more!
Our workgroups are designed to bring about positive, permanent shifts in how we define and understand how white supremacy racism impacts systems and us. Shifts that are the direct cause for a new kind of freedom and POWER—the freedom to acknowledge and accept our painful history and the personal power to do something about it. Thus, impacting the confidence with which Black people live their lives and care for their families. 
Utilizing the framework of Dr. Joyce DeGruey’s post-traumatic slave syndrome, Urban Triage’s transformative education model looks at the seemingly insurmountable obstacles Black people have faced due to the ongoing and persistent trauma associated with existing within the context of white supremacy racism. 

Our workgroups will begin again in March of 2023. Look out for applications, and please join our waitlist ahead of time. Links are below.

Shout out to Kimi Waller, who started as a Rental Support Specialist and has recently been promoted to Housing Coordinator. Kimi has worked on her goals and has been intentional about her journey of self-discovery and transformation. She has shown over and over again her commitment to the heart work, which is intrinsic to the work of Urban Triage. Kimi, we see you; we hear you, and we appreciate all you are and all that you do for our community.
A big thank you to our community partners. UW Health, Short Stacks Eatery, Delta Beer, Transformation Center, Madison Community Foundation, Dane County, City of Madison, and Thoreau Elementary School.
For the People, by the People.