Second Annual Day of the Dead Online event
Welcome to the heart-warming reality of empowering 25 students while honoring their ancestral heritage!
We have today and tomorrow to raise $4,000 to help 25 disadvantaged youth to stay in school.
Why Day of the Dead Event For years we received requests from various friends to have this event. The idea was to honor the student's traditions which reflect their beliefs and rich culture, as does our Annual Cinco de Mayo event. So, in 2019 we held our first such event in Sarasota, in-person, hosted by Denice and Larry Monaco. (Due to the Covid pandemic, we are holding it this year online). But, what's the DoD connection with Casa de Kids?
Well, in ancient times the Mexican people honored their ancestors to respect and remember them. Similar to many cultures, their deeply held belief in a spiritual realm was that the "other realm" helped influence daily lives. The love and guidance of loved ones was welcome and especially highlighted once a year during DoD festivities...which are not usually somber and involve lively music with great food! Celebrated over two days, November 1 & 2, residents construct altars in their homes to help them honor the spirits of their loved ones. They are adorned with foods, candles, personal items and photos of their loved ones. This, and a trail of marigold petals from the road welcomes them home. 

While our young students endure much hardship, which is hard to imagine in a modern world, they stand on the shoulders of their strong ancestors. These students know they are loved and guided. While hampered by the Spanish conquest, whose effects continues today, they strive to move ahead out of poverty and into self-empowerment. Casa de Kids helps them to achieve this! 

Thanks to hundreds of caring people, Drew's work that began in Oaxaca in 2008 continues to expand. Since CdK's work began in 2015, CdK has made possible: 

  • 7 graduates from high school, college and university 
  • 25 students currently enrolled in high school, college and university 
  • Personal care - food, rent, school needs, and healthcare

Your gift today enables a student to achieve education and self-reliance.
Will you please help us, help them?
Any amount that works for you, will be appreciated. 
Please consider becoming a monthly donor, either way, our secure donate button awaits you.

Thank you. Sincerely,
Drew, Pamela, Loren & Jim 
Success story from CdK graduate!
Dr. Jose Alberto providing first care to a newborn in his new medical residency.
In front of Santo Domingo an iconic symbol of Oaxaca City, hear Drew & Dr. Jose talk about his medical residency.
Casa de Kids