We'd like to share:
Building community
...and a more resilient food system in New England
Stopping the TPP - for now
Efforts to stall passage of the Trans Pacific Partnership late last week were an exercise in cooperation (and a successful one at that). We worked with Real Food Challenge on their outreach, and
Food and Water Watch did a lot of great work, including produce
this fact sheet about how TPP would open up a flood gate of cheap imported seafood. We've been hearing about the
shortcomings of fisheries management all over the world, so this trade deal and the impact it will have on our food system isn't what we want to see.
Here's more on why the Fast Track TPP is bad for citizens and bad for democracy.
Transforming markets
Announcing the new localcatch.org!
What we're reading
Thank you for all that you do. Catch you next month!