Volume 9 Issue 2 February 2022
A monthly newsletter published by MKSA LLC
It's Never to Early to Think About Camp!
Yes, it's still winter, but to offer some reading material for chilly days yet to come, we are sharing some resources for the 2022 camp season. In-person, virtual, one week, full summer...there are so many options! Take a look and get your research started. Thinking about summer is never a bad thing.
Attention Problems or ADHD?
Many children get easily distracted and have short attention spans. Before rushing to consider ADHD, it is important to remember there are other conditions that cause attention problems. From anxiety and OCD to trauma and learning disorders, there are many possible reasons that a child has trouble paying attention. Read more.
Helpful Handwashing Tips
Do your kids hate to wash their hands? It's always important, but more so during a pandemic. From making it into a game, to singing a song, it's all about getting soap and water onto those little fingers. Take a look at the video above for handwashing tips for children with sensory processing challenges.
What are YOU reading?
Our list of recommended books continues with a theme of Black History Month:
-Black History Picture Book for Kids by Jasmine Riviera
-Black is a Rainbow Color by Angela Joy and Ekua Holmes
-The Story of Ruby Bridges by Robert Coles
February is...
American Heart Month, Black History Month, and National Bird Feeding Month. So...get some heart-healthy exercise, read some history, and feed the returning birds. Enjoy.
We're very social!
We are enjoying sharing on social media and we value all of our friends and followers. If you don't already follow us, we hope you will! We welcome your input and feedback and look forward to seeing you!
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