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Newsletter #2 | September 8, 2023


Grab your water bottle, lace up your sneakers, print out your Challenge Tracker, and check out Coach Eric's strength exercise challenge for the 1st week below. Our challenge begins Saturday!

The fun officially kicks off at our Wellness Fair that is taking place rain or shine at Override North (50 Tower Lane in Avon) from 11am-1pm.

Come meet the experts, get tips on how to succeed at our daily challenges, test your hydration level, body composition, aerobic & anaerobic fitness and grip strength and enter to win some truly awesome prizes donated by our partners. Plus, the first 10 people to check-in will receive a 20% coupon card from Athleta!

Also, don't forget to join our private Facebook group via the button below. We've got some fun content to share that will complement your next newsletter which will be sent out Tuesday evening.

Join the Facebook Group


Strength Exercise for Week #1: Squats

The 4th element of our challenge focuses on improving our Strength & Balance. Each Friday, Coach Eric will introduce a new exercise that should be done every day for the following week. Week #1 (Saturday, Sept 9 through Friday, Sept 15) features squats!

Watch the video above to learn how to perform your squats with perfect form, as well as how to modify them to make them easier or harder depending on your mobility level.

Once you master one version, challenge yourself to progress to a harder version or do more reps!

Level 1: 20 reps/day

Level 2: 40 reps/day

Level 3: 60 reps/day

Coach Eric will be at the Wellness Fair and is happy to help you perfect your squat form and recommend which version you should start with and work up to by week's end.

It doesn't matter what level you do, it just matters that you do them!


Fuel to Perform

Join our nutrition expert, Dr. Christine Najjar, for a fascinating (& FREE) seminar at Fleet Feet this Wednesday from 7-8pm.

For years, athletes have relied on carbohydrates and glucose for fuel - often dealing with stomach discomfort and bonking when timing wasn't perfect. New research in sport science is discovering the benefits of utilizing fat for fuel and training your body to be metabolically flexible (use both fat and carbs).


Dr. Christine will be joined by Stan Brajer from SFuels. Together, they will share the science behind and strategies for improving your fat oxidation efficiency so you can train/race harder by preserving your glycogen stores and reducing lactic acid build-up which can enable you to finish stronger and lower the risk of GI distress.


Dr. Najjar will teach you about how to increase the percentage of healthy fat you eat in your daily diet to prime your body to burn more fat when you exercise, while Stan will share the science behind SFuels - a nutrition product designed for endurance sports and everyday life (especially those on a low-carb diet). He will also have samples to try - and everyone who RSVP's will get 20% off their first purchase of SFuels products.

RSVP for the Seminar


Download Your Challenge Tracker

Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water

Water is vital to our health. It carries nutrients, flushes bacteria, aids digestion, cushions joints & organs & maintains our body temperature. Poor hydration causes fatigue, low energy and impairs balance (which makes it extra important for the elderly).

Don't forget the electrolytes since too much plain water can be bad too. We're all big fans of LMNT electrolytes & will have samples at the Wellness Fair for you to try.


Fix One Meal

Whole 30, Vegan, Zone, Intermittent Fasting...what diet is best? We'll talk through many of these during the Challenge, but one simple trick is to start with "fixing" one meal to make it healthier.

We'll give you ideas for healthy swaps and simple food prep tips for breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks. Visit the Food First MD booth at the Fair to get Dr. Christine's Conscience Carbs guide.

Take a Walk

Go for a 10min Walk After One Meal

Dr. Attia calls exercise the "most potent longevity drug". While we will be encouraging you to exercise 30+min, 3/days per week, there are also tremendous health benefits when you take a short walk after eating.

A 10-minute walk aids with digestion, burns calories, lowers blood sugar & blood pressure, puts you in a great mood and lowers your Cortisol (stress hormone) which can help you sleep better too. Walking is magic!


Do the Strength/Core Exercise of the Day

Losing strength as we age is inevitable, but we can slow that decline by becoming as strong as possible right now. Strength training increases our metabolism so we burn more calories, but it also improves our ability to do daily activities and remain independent as long as possible.

Coach Eric has made a great 6-week Strength Exercise Program that can be done at home in less than 10min - and he'll be at the Fair to test your anaerobic capacity, grip strength and general fitness!


Get 7-8 Hours of Sleep (if your sleep is less than 6hrs/night, aim for an extra 30min)

When we sleep, our bodies heal and rejuvenate. It boosts our memory, regulates our metabolism and reduces mental fatigue - while lack of sleep increases your risk for obesity, heart disease & infections, negatively effects brain function and can make you grumpy!

This may be the toughest challenge because many of us need to make big changes to our nightly routine if we want to prioritize sleep. Turn off the TV. Stop mindless scrolling. Savor your sleep and be ready to take on the next day!


Read 10min of Non-Fiction, Journal, Meditate or do Breathwork

Great physical health can't outrun bad mental health. Spend at least 10min every day do something to improve your mind and decrease your stress.

We highly recommend Dr. Peter Attia's book, Outlive, since that's what inspired this challenge. It's a quick and fascinating read and might just give you the added inspiration to Override Your Health!

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