Hello FPA Member!

Tax, estate and insurance laws, investment regulations and most of the other laws of our land are out of your control. Yes, you're a professional and must know the intricacies of those laws in order to give good advice to your clients... but you (nor I) really don't have any say in how those laws were written or how they operate.

There IS one area where you CAN make a difference. Financial Planning is evolving rapidly and will become a true, legally protected profession in the relatively near future - likely well before you or I retire. You can be a part of the process that shapes what that looks like. That is what our advocacy efforts year round are all about. The next opportunity to join us has to be the easiest event in which to participate.

You can be a part of our third annual FPA of California Advocacy Week, September 18th through 22nd, and engage locally with your state senator and assemblymember. During this week, your legislators are at home from Sacramento. They're in their respective district offices so meeting with them and introducing yourself and the Financial Planning Association of California will take, at most, only a couple hours of your time.

No travel is required. You'll be meeting with your representative in your home town. We will provide you with a webinar training, a script to use for obtaining an appointment, and talking points and materials to bring with you to your meeting. To help you get started, here is a link to find your California elected official based on your district of residence (once on their website, click on the Contact Us tab)

We have found during previous advocacy visits (both at "home" and Sacramento) that representatives and staff are generally open to hearing about financial planning and how we are different from others in the financial services world. Like most things in life, RELATIONSHIPS matter and these meetings build stronger relationships with elected officials and their staff members. When issues do arise (and they will), we will be more effective in influencing the outcome if we already have those relationships in place.

Let us know ASAP if you can participate. Please note that members are responsible for making their own appointments with legislators during Advocacy Week. In order to keep a running tab of member participation, please include the names of your Assemblyperson and Senator in your email to: Holly Wilkerson, Executive Director at info@fpaca.org. If more than one member plans to visit the same district office, we'll let you know so that you may coordinate your visit(s).

This is your best chance to quickly and easily support our profession. We look forward to another successful Advocacy Week! Also, mark your calendar to join us for our "Day on the Hill" in Sacramento on March 6, 2018 so you can continue the conversation you start with your local representative in September.


John D. Buerger, CFP® MSFS
President, FPA of California
Email: president@fpaca.org
Website: www.fpaca.org