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Livestream @ 9:30 on Facebook

9:30 AM Rite II Eucharist with Children's Chapel

10:30 AM Coffee Hour

Click either button to watch the livestream

Visit our virtual worship page for the Sunday Bulletin

Livestream @ 9:30 on YouTube

Our group of Holy Hikers last weekend! Join us for the next one August 17.

Upcoming Events @ St. John's:

See Sunday's Lectionary here.

Baptismal Prep. Class

Sunday, 7/28 @ 11 AM

Parkinson's Support Group

Wednesday, 8/7 @ 1:30 PM

School Supply Collection Ends

Sunday, 8/11

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Our 2024 VBS was a great success!

Thanks to all who helped out and attended! More photos here.


Baptismal Preparation Class

Our Baptismal Preparation Class (in-person) is designed specifically for baptismal candidates, parents, and their sponsors (Godparents). This hour long class will be held on July 28 from 11-12 in the Battin Room. Rev Jill will discuss this sacrament of initiation into the Christian faith. There will be time to ask questions and to walk through the baptismal liturgy. Email Rev. Jill for more info.


School Supply Collection

School Supply Collection for Chester & Upper Darby due by Sunday, August 11. It’s almost back to school time! This year, we are partnering with the Delaware County Interfaith Council who will distribute supplies to children in Chester and Upper Darby. Drop off your supplies in the Parish Hall by Sunday, August 11th. You can also donate money and gift cards that we will use to purchase supplies (memo “School Supplies”). Click here for a list of suggested supplies & more info.

It's SO Easy Being Green!

Green Team Update (part 1 of 2)

Our Green Team continues working with the congregation so that we may all become better stewards of the resources with which God has entrusted us, promoting ecologically sustainable practices, and preserving and enhancing local biodiversity and habitats through education and fellowship opportunities for us and our communities.

Some of our accomplishments this spring:

April brought awareness and improvements to recycling and sustainability efforts, workshops on Black-Eyed Susans and herb gardens, and an Earth Day celebration that included planting and blessing a young Stewartia tree on the front lawn. This tree blooms with white camellia-like flowers in warm months, offers brightly colored fall foliage and shows multicolored bark that peels in strips of gray, orange and reddish-brown. Many parishioners joined our tours highlighting current and potential plantings, and viewing our centuries-old Penn Oak to begin thinking how we might rejuvenate its vanishing surrounding vegetation. The Green Team presented survey results of the congregation’s top ecological priorities: limiting disposable products and purchasing more recycled/recyclable products; planting primarily pollinator-friendly and perennial plants; and adding trees and bird houses that benefit wildlife and insects. 

In May we held a vegetable workshop and on Mother’s Day raised funds with a pop-up plant sale. We sponsored a Sip and Stroll fundraiser where parishioners and friends enjoyed an evening of food and fellowship while marveling at the incredible number of gorgeous colorful peonies surrounding the home of our gracious hosts, Debbie and Bernie Miller. We thank everyone who helped us raise over $350 this month for future needs and programs. 

June included a visit to the Penn Oak with a Newlin Grist Mill representative who suggested native trees to plant, and the Pearlmans offered to plant several Penn Oak seedlings. The month also included preliminary discussions on St. John's potential pavilion, and other uses for our “Field of Dreams”.

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Parkinson's Support Group

1st Wednesday of the Month

Next one is

August 7 @ 1:30 PM to 3 PM

More info here.

Submit Prayer Request
Pastoral Care Needs

Save the Dates

American Red Cross Blood Drive at Saint John’s:

Tuesday, August 27 2-7 PM

The heat is on to find more blood donors – there simply aren't enough people giving. Summer is an especially hard time to collect enough blood donations to meet patient needs. You can help bring brighter days to patients. Sign up here to save up to three lives. Donors will get a $20 Amazon gift card emailed to them!

QPR Suicide Prevention Training: Sunday, September 29 @ 11:30 AM

Question. Persuade. Refer.

3 steps anyone can learn to help prevent suicide.

Saint John’s is hosting a QPR training open to the community. These trainings are just as important as knowing CPR. You never know when you might need it. Anyone of high school age and older can attend. Learn more here. Signup for the training here.

Hot, Hot, Hot!

Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!

Stay Safe in the Heat: Essential Tips for Pennsylvanians

Heat is considered the top weather-related killer in the U.S. on average every year. Heat hazards can sneak up on us and are often overlooked. While the oldest and youngest Pennsylvanians are most at risk, extreme heat affects everyone. In June, Pennsylvania experienced record heat, and July is also seeing high temperatures.

The National Weather Service (NWS) issues heat advisories and excessive heat warnings when the combination of heat and humidity is forecast to be impactful to life safety. While the NWS will alert you to prepare for potential heat-related illness, it’s your responsibility to take action to prevent illness. Here are some basic tips to help you stay cool as temperatures rise.

These tips can help reduce illness and death.

  • Stay Hydrated! Drink plenty of water daily. Avoid drinks with caffeine, sugar, and alcohol as they can dehydrate you.
  • Take a Break! Rest in the shade or air conditioning when working outdoors in the heat.
  • 10 to 3 - Not for Me! The hottest part of the day is typically between 10 AM and 3 PM. If possible, do outdoor work before or after this period.
  • Knock & Talk! Check on your older or sick neighbors. Ensure they are drinking water and have a cool place to stay. Offer to take them to a cool place like a mall or library if needed.
  • Look Before You Lock! Always check the back seat of your car to ensure you don’t forget kids or pets.

If someone gets sick from the heat, act quickly. First, call 9-1-1 immediately, then move them to a cool place. Use cool, damp rags or wrapped ice packs to help them cool down. Know the signs of heat stroke, which is a medical emergency that requires hospital treatment.

If you lose power for multiple hours/days during these hot days,

please email Rev Jill

to come to our air conditioned Parish Hall Building.

St. John's Episcopal Church

Usual Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9 AM - 1 PM


The Rev. Jill LaRoche Wikel, Rector

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