One of the greatest challenges we face this time of year is keeping up with leaf removal. Over the past week, the wind and rain have accelerated the rate at which the leaves are falling. Sometimes it's difficult to notice if we've already visited a site, as the leaves quickly cover our cleanup work within hours.


The good news is that this heavy leaf fall means many trees will finish dropping their leaves over the next few weeks. The bad news is that during this time it will be messy, but we will do our best to keep up with the leaf removal. Some trees will continue to hold leaves so leaf control will continue into December.

Rest assured, we are well-equipped to deal with leaf removal, and we do our best to clean up as efficiently as possible. We will continue to work diligently and visit most properties weekly with a focus on removing accumulated leaves and doing bulk removals. We avoid detailed cleanup until all the leaves have fallen, as it's more time-effective and practical while leaves continue to drop.

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