
Research by MIT Sloan’s School of Management research supports what I’ve been telling my executive clients for years:

To be truly effective, you have to Slow Down to Speed Up ® !

Here are three ways the most productive professionals in the MIT study did just that.

1. They planned their work based on their top priorities (My Priorities Assessment Tool will help you.)

2. They developed effective techniques for managing a high volume of information and tasks ( Click here for my Strategic Leader's Toolkit for Rapid Results . )

3. They understood the needs of their colleagues , enabling short meetings, responsive communications, and clear directions (Click here to read about Setting Expectations. )

What makes the Sloan research especially compelling is that it involves 20,000 participants from across the globe. A large-scale study with broad applicability. I can vouch for this personally, having executive clients across the globe successfully Slowing Down To Speed Up !

To your continued success!

Dr. Liz

PS: Tell me, what's your biggest challenge with improving productivity?