May 2022
It's time for May Flowers!
Oh how we love this fantastic 'everything comes to life' month in Colorado. It is also the month we celebrate the Mothers in our lives and also kick off the summer with a long Memorial Day weekend.

The greenhouses are bursting at the seams waiting for warmer weather to arrive. Many of you have already been in buying trees and shrubs, exploring the nursery, and checking out the latest blooms and it's been so nice seeing old friends and making so many new ones. Welcome everyone!

May Hours:
Weekdays 8-6, Saturdays 8-5, Sundays 9-4
What's happening at PLN this month?
The Greenhouses are in Full Bloom
Our locally famous baskets are ready!
REMINDER: Greenhouse plants have been living in 'ideal' conditions. A process called 'Hardening Off' is important to ensure their successful transition to your outdoor spaces. Click here for details.
You Are Cordially Invited
CLICK for more details
Mothers Day Weekend,
May 7-8
Memorial Day Weekend,
May 28-30
Pollinator Week / Butterfly Release, June 25
Get the WOW factor!
Check out our Custom Container Planting Program. We will plant your outdoor pots & other containers for you with a one of a kind, high quality design that will be unlike any other basket or container you could 'just buy'. We will plant, & care for your outdoor containers just once, or all year long. We specialize in specific mixes that are either just plain stunning, or special mixes that cater to pollinators and / or deer & rabbit resistance and we offer this service to both residential and commercial clients.

Garden Thymes with Jackie

On your marks,
Get set,
May Gardening Tips
Shrubs & Trees
  • Prune spring flowering shrubs (lilacs, forsythias) when the blooms are spent.
  • Plant bare root trees, shrubs by mid-May
  • Fertilize roses once they leaf out
  • Plant shrubs & trees
Annuals & Perennials
  • Pinch spent flowers on spring bulbs but allow the leaves to naturally die back. This allows the bulb to gather enough nutrients for next year's spring flowers.
  • Plant annuals but make sure you protect them if there's a danger of frost (last average frost date in the Parker area is May 14)
  • Plant perennial flowers & vines
Veggies & Herbs
  • Our Mighty Mato's and are looking great! We have a good selection of peppers and other veggies as well!
  • Early-May, your cool season veggies (lettuce, snap peas, broccoli, etc...) should be in the ground.
  • In late-May plant warm season crops such as corn, pumpkins, beans, squash, cucumbers...
  • Plant bare root fruits like raspberries!
  • Harvest rhubarb & asparagus...YUMMY!
  • Plant cool-season grass seed or turf grass.
  • Aerate & fertilize lawn
  • Keep mowing blades sharp & at the height of 2.5-3" all season. Never cut more than 1/3 of the leaf height for maximum vigor and water conservation
In General
  • Now's the time to weed while the weeds are small and haven't produced seeds.
  • Mid-May start checking for those pesky insects-especially white fly & aphids
May Quote: "The world's favorite season is Spring. All things seem possible in May. Edwin Way Teale