June 2024

Summer Is Upon Us
Hanging Baskets.3.2024

June is the perfect time to plant anything and everything! Mild temperatures make transplanting less stressful on all plants including trees and shrubs. Use a root simulator to jump start growth and development and begin to establish a watering schedule!


It is also time to get hanging baskets outside and fill pottery and planters with blooming annuals and perennials. Utilize fertilizer high in phosphorus like "Jack’s Blossom Booster” weekly to continue lush blooms and color! And don't forget your veggies & herbs.

June Hours:

Monday - Friday 8-6

Saturday 8-5

Sunday 9-4

What's happening at PLN this month?

Let's Celebrate Father's Day!

Attention all dads! Did you know that there is more to life than golf? Join us for a great weekend in honor of YOU! All weekend our Container Trees will be on SALE 25% off! On Sunday, we will start the day at 10am with a Fruit Tree Tour with Tom where he will explain all the varieties that work best in our area and how to maximize fruit production for many years to come. Then from 11-1, we will do the grilling FOR you! Enjoy a Hot Dog lunch with us as our way of celebrating you, and also thanking you for being part of our Garden Center family.

11-1 BBQ Lunch

10am Fruit Tree Tour

Pollinator Week Finale

Join us for one of our most popular events of the year on Saturday, June 22nd. Celebrating the conclusion of National Pollinator Week, we will take the day to provide hands on learning about these life sustaining creatures.

Thanks to members of Mile High Bee Club & Southeast Beekeepers, we will have good representation of our Honey Bees! From 9am-3pm you will marvel at getting to see the inner workings of these spectacular busy ladies up close and personal in an observation hive! They will be bringing all sorts of educational materials for everyone to enjoy as well.

Then at 9:45am we will have short presentation on the importance of pollinators to our very existence. Then at 10am sharp we will enjoy a group release of dozens of butterflies into the wild by your own individual hands. This popular annual favorite event is one you won’t want to miss. Check the EVENTS PAGE for more information.

National Pollinator Week is June 17th-23rd, 2023.  This is an annual event celebrated internationally in support of pollinator health.

It's 'Bloomin Beautiful' here right now!

There's always something new coming into the nursery. We are receiving fresh perennials, annuals, herbs and veggies weekly, not to mention fresh shipments of shrubs, grasses, container trees and even large spruce & pine trees. Come in often to make sure you don't miss something you've been looking for!

Coral Bells Perennial

Upright Junipers

Conifer & Deciduous Trees of many varieties filling all of our 10 acres

Summer Wine Ninebark Shrub

Garden Thymes

"I say, if your knees aren't green by the 

end of the day, you ought to seriously 

re-examine your life."

 ~Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes

General Landscaping

  • Check your sprinklers to make sure all your landscaping plants are receiving the correct amount of water
  • Weed, Weed, Weed! Not just unsightly, weeds rob your plants of precious nutrients and moisture

Shrubs, Perennials, Bulbs

  • Prune spring flowering shrubs after the flowers are spent
  • Cut back spring-blooming bulbs after the leaves have completely died back
  • Continue to fertilize your roses once a month

Veggies, Fruits & Herbs

  • Continue to plant warm season veggies (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, corn)
  • Protect your strawberries & cherries from birds and other wildlife with mesh netting
  • Plant your herb seeds like dill, basil, cilantro


  • Move your annual baskets & patio pots outdoors
  • Water daily especially if your baskets are in full day sun or wind. It's best to water in early morning
  • For fantastic color feed your flowering annuals once a week with a water soluble fertilizer high in phosphorous (the middle number on a fertilizer label)
  • Continue to dead head the spent blooms

Insect Watch  

  • Be on the lookout for aphids! A tell-tale sign is honeydew on the leaves
  • Spruce Spider mites are usually at their peak populations this month
  • Protective sprays are timely now
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