Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired Logo

Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired


September 2024

Close-up of waving American flag

Its hard to believe that its already September. We’ll kick the month off with Labor Day weekend, and later in the month, we'll remember 9/11 and observe Grandparents' Day. Take a look at what’s happening at GDABVI this month!

Now… lets flip that calendar over and It (unofficially!) becomes pumpkin-everything season! Fall is in the air! LET the favorite scents of crisp fallen leaves and apple pie take over your senses

Did you know LABOR DAY IS a federal holiday and is celebrated on the first Monday of September? Monday, September 2… the agency will be closed. We will re-open Tuesday, September 3rd. Enjoy your Labor Day!

September 8 is grandparents day. We would like to wish our clients, staff, board members and all of those who are grandparents.”, a Happy Grandparents' Day”!

Participants at GDABVI 2nd Annual Health Fair
Staff and Participants at GDABVI 2nd Annual Health Fair
Booth at GDABVI 2nd Annual Health Fair


On August 16th, the Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind & Visually Impaired hosted its 2nd Annual Health Fair, running from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Attendees had the opportunity to meet the staff, enjoy refreshments, and participate in various giveaways and prize draws. The event featured the Wayne Mobile Health Unit, offering general health screenings for diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, and kidney function. COVID-19 vaccinations, HIV testing (for individuals 13 years and older), Hepatitis C testing, and STI and UTI testing (for those 18 and older) were also available. Additionally, the Secretary of State Mobile Office provided voter registration and driver's license renewal services, with pre-registration required for all services.


Bingo!: Tuesday, September 3rd


Come for fellowship, fun, and win some great prizes!!!

Senior Summit: Monday, September 9th


Hosted by Senator Jeremy Moss

26000 Evergreen Rd, Southfield, Mi48076

GDABVI will be in the place! Stop by and say, Hello!

New Direction Support Group!: Tuesday, September 10th


For the September Support Group. We will be meeting at TGIF Fridays, located at… 26299 Evergreen Rd, Southfield, MI 48076. You must RSVP by September 3rd. We want to be able to all sit together. For more information call 313-591-3786 or

Remembering 9/11: Wednesday, September 11th

In remembrance of 9/11. Lets remember those families & those that still suffer with the 9/11 tragedy… and how it impacted their lives.

Family/Friends Support Group: Thursday, September 12th


This group is for those who have family/friends who are blind/visually impaired. Come, let's talk and support one another. For more information call 313-591-3786 or

Matters of Vision! 2024: Saturday, September 14th


The Macular Degeneration Association (MDA) will host an educational program that will cover the following subjects: All aspects of macular degeneration, geographic atrophy, diabetic eye disease, and dry eye disease. View more information by clicking here. Registration is required.

Movie Day: Tuesday, September 17th


$5 donation… enjoy a movie & refreshments.

First Day of Fall: September 22nd

Pull out those jackets, enjoy a walk &observe the leaves as they began to change colors.

Book Club: Tuesday, September 24th:


We will be discussing, Say Amen Again. By: ReShonda Tate Billingsley

Leader Dogs Low Vision Expo: Wednesday, September 25th


See the information below for details.

Blind man with leader dog crossing a street

Looking for Resources? Join GDABVI at Leader Dogs & Low Vision Expo

September 25th, 9 a.m. -1 p.m. at Leader Dogs For the Blind Rochester Hills

Join us at this free event to learn more about the services available to people in Michigan who are blind, visually impaired, or have low vision. Meet with representatives from a variety of agencies and organizations serving seniors and those with low vision. Registration is not required.

This event is being hosted as a collaboration between the Leader Dogs for the Blind and the Oakland Talking Book Service.


  • 9:15-10 am: Kashonia Graham, Outreach and Engagement Specialist, will discuss services offered by Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired. GDABVI takes a whole-person approach to sight loss by meeting people where they are in their vision journey. They provide daily living skills, technology training, orientation and mobility, support groups, case management for basic needs, information and resources, and opportunities to socialize for blind and visually impaired individuals. Their programs foster independence, safety, and overall well-being across the lifespan.
  • 10:15-11 am: Alyssa Otis, Outreach Coordinator and Guide Dog Mobility Instructor, will discuss services offered by Leader Dogs for the Blind, whose mission is empowering people who are blind or visually impaired with lifelong skills for safe and independent daily travel.
  • 11:15-12 pm: Wanda Smith, OTR/L, M.A. Ed., CLVT, Henry Ford Center for Vision Rehabilitation and Research provides patients and their Families with a comprehensive low vision evaluation by an ophthalmologist or certified low vision optometrist, as well as individualized rehabilitation with an occupational Therapist specializing in low vision rehabilitation. “Our goal is to provide our patients with the strategies and tools needed to maximize independence with activities of daily living so they can maintain their quality of life despite vision loss.”
  • 12:15-1 pm: TBD


  • AT Guys
  • Bureau of Services for Blind Persons
  • Detroit Reading Information Service (DRIS)
  • Disability Network of Eastern Michigan
  • Foundation Fighting Blindness
  • Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • Henry Ford Center for Low Vision Rehab and Research
  • John D. Dingell VA Medical Center
  • Leader Dogs for the Blind
  • Lions Bear Lake Camp
  • Michigan Braille and Talking Book Library
  • Oakland University Disability Support Services
  • Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind
  • OTBS
  • Penrickton Center for Blind Children

Getting Here:

  • Leader Dogs for the Blind Campus: 1039 S. Rochester Rd., Rochester Hills, MI 48307.
  • Smart Bus Route 492 will let you off at the corner of Rochester and Avon Roads where Leader Dog is located. There is parking available onsite.


Please contact Rebecca LaFave at OTBS with any questions about the event. Email:
Phone: 248-650-5681

Paper dolls with the words Thank You


Every day, hundreds of people turn to GDABVI for practical help and support. Your generosity allows us to provide training, support groups, educational series and activities for those with vision loss – all free of charge. Please give today…

Click Here to Donate
Visually impaired woman using a braille keyboard.

Classes and more...


Computer Lab

If you would like to sharpen up your computer skills. GDABVI Computer Lab is open, Tuesdays & Fridays… 10AM-2PM. To RSVP Call Priscilla at 313-591-3791.

Braille Classes

The new Braille Classes have began. If you would like to be added to the list for the next sessions call Aya at 313-591-3793.

Orientation & Mobility

If you are in need for O & M. Complete the in-take process. You will be then evaluated. Call Malaika at 313-591-3794.


For more information or to RSVP for activities and events call 313-591-3786.

Some additional information...


Important Information

If you want to become a client, contact Malaika English to complete your intake process.


If you want to be a part of activities and outreach, contact KaShonia Graham at 313-591-3786

Our Staff

If you are looking for information, you will find the following contacts helpful.


Jim Smock (Executive Director): 313-591-3794

Malaika English (Community Health Worker): 313-591-3790

Priscilla Miley (Program Manager): 313-591-3791

Aya Beyduon (Program Director): 313-591-3793

KaShonia Graham (Outreach Engagement Specialist): 313-591-3786

Thanks, and we look forward to serving you at GDABVI. Let us help you get to your “LIFE BEYOND SIGHT”!!!

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