Take the Test: See if you can read this Team Captain content without getting goosebumps.
"We are the White Team Girls, we wear our hair in curls,
We wear our dungarees, way up above our knees,
We never take a rest……"
Close your eyes for a few minutes and remember those warm summer nights, sitting around the campfire, singing songs and sharing stories with your friends.

Remember that feeling of accomplishment when you moved up to the next swimming level, or the new skills that you learned in a canoe, the feeling of being a part of a team that worked together to win a softball game, while younger campers cheered you on! Or finally hitting the archery target, and that special bracelet you made during crafts class, a bracelet that has a permanent place in your jewelry box today. But most important, those lifelong friends, sisters really, that have lasted over time and distance.

During this season of gratitude and generosity, please support the Turtles Trail Foundation in their mission to offer a young girl a summer camp experience and the opportunity to grow, learn, gain confidence, and develop lifelong skills, while having fun!

For all White Team members, in the spirit of past competitions, let’s beat the Red Team (and the Blue Team), “because we are the best”!

Holly Bowen Paczewski
White Team Captain, 1971
“Reds, Reds, we are the best,
We’ll beat the Whites and not need a rest
On the field and on the lake…..”

…but this time I’m not talking about ‘because the big team cup is at stake’.

Rather, it’s the opportunity to put a stake in the ground, sow a seed and watch it grow. It’s about investing in deserving young girls who would otherwise not be able to experience summer camp. This investment will pay dividends for the rest of their lives….and ours.

Now more than ever, it’s important to give our children the opportunity to take a break from technology and learn about the out-of-doors. Learn about living in a community with others. Learn how to have healthy, happy, hard fought competition in good spirit. Learn to sing your heart out together, and cheer until you are hoarse for your team. It’s about quiet songs around the campfire. It’s about smiles and laughter and the inevitable tears after the last campfire. But many families cannot afford to send their children to camp.

A dedicated group of alumni guides The Turtle’s Trail Foundation and they have done an amazing job of identifying and supporting many young campers. But they need all of our help to continue their great work, fuel future generations of campers, extend and enhance the camp community.

So, come on Red Team, I know ‘our team spirit will not fail’…let’s beat the Whites (and Blues!) in the TTF year-end fundraising for a great cause!  

Cathy Shafer Cockerill
Red Team Captain, 1974
Click Here to Send Girls to Camp!
If you would prefer to donate appreciated stock click here for more information. Checks sent to our PO box are appreciated as well. All contributions will be assigned to the team color of your choice.
Give the Gift of Camp to Deserving Girls!
 Turtle's Trail Foundation | www.TurtlesTrailFoundation.org
PO Box 254
Clifford, Pennsylvania. 18413-0254