We slaughter one another in our words and attitudes. We slaughter one another in the stereotypes and mistrust that linger in our heads, and the words of hate we spew from our lips.” ― Nelson Mandela
Day 2: Stereotypes
Important Tool

Take some time to review the Glossary on equity terms and definitions on United Way Worldwide’s equity website. Keep this link handy to refer back to as we progress through the challenge.

Defining Stereotypes

To recognize the role race plays within our daily lives, it is necessary to begin acknowledging the stereotypes that are seen daily. These stereotypes can paint people in a light that is not reflective of their actual character. The first step in changing this is acknowledging the existence of stereotypes and the roles they play in our lives.

Stereotype: A standardized mental picture that is held in common about members of a group that represents an oversimplified opinion, attitude, or unexamined judgment, without regard to individual difference.
What is the Meaning of Stereotype (3 Minute Read)
Read this article to understand what stereotypes are to avoid using them in the future.

Racial Stereotypes are Making American’s Sicker (9 Minute Read)
Read this Forbes’ piece to gather a perspective on why stereotypes are negative.

How to Beat Stereotypes by Seeing People as Individuals (10 Minute Read)
Read this piece to learn specific strategies on avoiding stereotyping alongside general info on the practice.
I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype (9:38)
Video Description Via YouTube: Bad driver. Math wizard. Model minority. In this hilarious and insightful talk, eighteen-year-old Canwen Xu shares her Asian-American story of breaking stereotypes, reaffirming stereotypes, and driving competently on her way to buy rice.

Anger: The Black Woman’s ‘Superpower’ (19 Minutes)
Podcast description Via NPR: A Sapphire isn't only a jewel—it's also cultural shorthand for an angry black woman. In this episode, we look at where Sapphire was born, and how the stereotype continues to haunt black women, even successful, powerful ones.
Share the link to a resource from today’s topic on social media using the hashtags #unitedforequity, #ABequitychallenge and inspire others to reflect on stereotypes.

Just joining the Challenge? Catch up on content from previous days on abuw.org.
Acton-Boxborough United Way mobilizes the caring power of community to drive positive, lasting change. United, we fight for the health, education, and financial stability of EVERY person in Acton and Boxborough.