To Friends Of
Cave Creek Canyon

It's Butterfly Time!                                                  
[Queens, Veined Ctenucha Moth and solitary bees by Debb Johnson]  

[Monarchs and Queens [2 on right] by Cecil Williams]

                    Cloudless Sulfur Butterfly                                              Elada Checkerspot

Veined Ctenucha Moth
[Howard Topoff: I am pretty sure the others are soldier beetles, of the family Cantharidae. The genus is probably Chauliognathus. A beneficial pollinating beetle indeed.  Image by Cecil Williams]

Gray Hairstreak 
Surprise!!!  What you see of the right of this butterfly is NOT its head - it's a diversion for preditors.  The head and antennae are actually on the lower left of the butterfly.  From Butterfly Fun Facts:  " Ants tend to and protect the caterpillars. Caterpillars have glands that 'call' ants and glands that secrete a sweet liquid. Ants drink this liquid and in return, protect the caterpillars.  
[Picture by Cecil Williams]

                         Bordered Patch                                               Count the Spots on this Monarch!
   [Pictures and video 
by Cecil Williams]

                      Watch this short video of butterflies feasting!




Geronimo Event Center (Rte. 80, New Mexico)
4 PM 

Short business meeting
Refreshments Will Be Served

Do Your holiday Shopping
[Sales Tax Free!] 

Cave Creek Canyon-
Revealing the Heart of the Arizona Chiricahua Mountains

    Award Winning
       Best Non-fiction in Arizona 

    FOCCC T-shirts, Hats & Totes!

    new member 5-2013   

Electing the following to the Board
Bob Ashley          Reed Peters
    Sheri Ashley         
Stevie Wayman
Rick Beno          
Kim Vicariu
Wynne Brown         
Cecil Williams
     Alan Craig          
Mike Williams
Rene Donaldson

Rolf Koford was elected to the board last year for a 2-year term

Stories of the Past
 How Rustler Park Got Its Name

The Chiricahua Bullsheet, an entertaining and highly opinionated newsletter and journal of local history written by Carson Morrow
Courtesy of Dick Zweifel

March 17, 1958 
Rustlers Park came by its name honestly through being used as a hangout by a lot of honest people. Beginning back in the 1870's and ending along about 1902, just about every outlaw or rustler and probably a few honest men who drifted through southern Arizona spent some time there.    
In those days when lightning fires burned up the fallen pine straw in accordance with the will of the Almighty instead of being put out by the present day proteges of bureaucracy, Rustlers Park was a veritable Paradise for hungry trailweary animals. Wild oats together with about every other kind of forage indigenous to this neck of the woods grew in abundance. Where now you find nothing but pine straw to a depth of anywhere from a few inches to a few feet. 

      There is no one left who remembers which ones of the rustlers did it, but some of them built a drift fence of poles extending across the middle of the park from one peak to the other. When cattle and horses were stolen on the west side of the mountain, they were held on the east side of the fence and vice versa until they were prepared for market. Generally such preparation consisted of resting and fattening them, altering brands, and then finding a buyer on the opposite side of the mountain from where they had been stolen.
      Curly Bill Broccius and his gang were credited by some with handling most of the stolen stock. Others contended that John Ringo was the kingpin of them all. There is no way of resolving that question at this late date, but it is safe to assume that they both, along with the Clantons, McLowerys and a good many others of the same stripe have built camp and branding fires under some of the pines that are still standing in Rustlers Park. Parts of the pole drift fence were still in evidence as late as 1911. 
     The reason we picked the year 1902 as about  the time stock rustling as a big business came to an end is that that was the time when the presently much touted Arizona Rangers came into full bloom. Most of the old notorious boys had drifted on by that time, but there were plenty of younger sprouts following in their footsteps. When the Rangers were organized, a good number of these younger bucks were recruited into the service -- which might or might not have been a wise move on the part of the powers that were.        

    Willow Tank News:
We have added more fencing, a gate and signage.  We will be installing additional irrigation and benches soon.  
                             Killdeer                            by   Debb Johnson       
    Image by John Johnson        

  Scaled Quail

                             Yellow-headed Blackbird seen 10/22/16    Picture by Robert Shantz
 Picture by  Debb Johnson                                                                                                  
Please consider making a tax-free donation to help the rejuvenation of Willow Tank, a premier birding site.  Contact Mike Williams at mike@foccc.org for more information

News From the Visitor Information Center
FOCCC Garden
Check out our new 55" TV/Monitor
See the trails and the attractions of Cave Creek Canyon

     Thanks to Alexandria for being our intern for 3 months.  She has done a great job and really become part of the community,  She will be staying in the area for awhile working andwaiting to see some snow.  She will be at Octoberfest - be sure and say hi and thank her for her help.  
                                  Host John is having so much fun he has decided to stay on until Christmas.

Welcome the new Host Rick Kruska.
Rick will be here until January.  
              Visitor Information  Center Years Ago  




Friends Of Cave Creek Canyon
PO Box 16126
Portal, Arizona 85632


Visit Our Website 

Thanks to our "Sustainer's Circle" members 
for their generous support:  
Tom Arny, Bob and Bettina Arrigoni, Nancy and Thomas Denney, Bud and Kate Fackelman, Mary George, Renata Golden, Bill and Sally Hague, Paul Hirt and Linda Jakse, Leuthold Family Foundation,  Barbara Lounsbery,  Patrick McNamara, John and Karin McQuillan, Barbara and Pete Miller, Richard and Patricia Parran, Tom Roseman and Paula Baldwin, Delia Scholes, Mike and Cecil Williams and Bob and Sherry Zoellick.

Please support our Business Members  who  have given generously to Friends Of Cave Creek Canyon.  Without their assistance, we would be hard pressed to accomplish our goals. Click on their names to check out their websites.    
                     Birders B & B
                 Cave Creek Ranch                           Chiricahua Desert Museum
             Naturalist Journeys, LLC                                   Orchid Davis   
                 Sky Island Rolfing                                      Wynne Brown LLC
                  Chiricahua Gallery               Everett Jones Realestate (Helen Snyder)
            Pi Irwin & Zsombor Zoltan                            Ed Newbold Wildlife Artist
                     Quailway Cottage                                      Mercury Websites
                   Rodeo Tavern                                     The George Walker House                                 Painted Pony Resort                             Portal Peak Store and Lodge
Business Memberships start at just $50.00!