Proclaiming the Gospel; Equipping the saints; Mobilizing the Church
"The next day [John] saw Jesus coming to him and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!""
ï»żJohn 1:29
April 2022

Dear WMO Family,
Blessings in Messiah Jesus, our Lord. Happy Passover/Resurrection Day! We give God all the glory for His grace. We consider it a privilege to serve Jesus, the Son of God, unto Israel and the world. The Gospel of Jesus is unto all.
As we approach the three biblical feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits, we are reminded of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. What a blessing it is to teach Messiah in the Passover and reveal how Messiah Jesus is clearly represented at this table. It’s a wonderful time to celebrate in remembrance how Jesus fulfilled the Passover festival by being the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Just recently, I was reviewing my teaching materials at the RV park in Southern California, and Oscar, who had parked next to us engaged me in a conversation about Jesus. Oscar understood the message of the cross and decided to surrender his life to Jesus as Lord and Savior. Oscar then shared that his wife is a believer, and her parents are pastors in Monterey. Surely his wife was praying for him, and God answered her prayers. Thank you for praying for this family. 
Ladies on Kaua’i
We thank God for Darlene’s faithful commitment to sharing the love and work of Jesus with local ladies at some small home gatherings. The women’s hearts were encouraged by the shared testimonies of the power of the Gospel. Women play a big role in God’s kingdom and Darlene, knowing the hearts and challenges of the American woman, loves speaking to and encouraging them. You are welcome to pray about inviting Darlene to come and speak to the ladies in your church or small group. Please pray for Darlene to be strengthened by the Lord, so she can bring more Jesus to our society. 
The Power of the Gospel in the Aloha State
We were invited to speak at ‘Olelo Christian Academy on Kaua’i. We gave a concise teaching on Jesus’ fulfillment of each step of the Passover. After the teaching, the kids moved next door to get pizza; but one older student, Ruth, stayed behind. She asked about the cup of judgement Jesus took on our behalf, and the cup of redemption He offers us. Through this, she came to understand the love of Jesus, His death, and His resurrection. I asked her if she knew Jesus, and she replied, “No.” I asked if she would like to know Him, be forgiven of her sins, and surrender her heart to Him. She said yes and we prayed a prayer of repentance and her tears reflected the sincerity of her heart toward Jesus. The school faculty rejoiced over Ruth’s salvation and will be following up with her.
Spiderman and Passover
We had the privilege to share the Gospel through Messiah in the Passover at the U-turn for Christ ministry. It's so precious when Christ is lifted up, and Jesus draws all to Himself. It was a special night for a boy named Asher; the youngest child who searched for the Afikomen (the half piece of matzah hidden early in the Seder and found by children after the meal). Asher wore a spider man hoodie and was so cute as he searched for the Afikomen. This will surely be something Asher remembers for a long time to come. It was a powerful evening for all who attended. May the men who came fully understand the truth of Messiah Jesus, the sinless one, in the message of the unleavened bread. 
Divine Appointment on Palm Sunday – Sharing the Gospel through the Feasts
We joined a WMO board member for a hike on a picture-perfect day with beauty abounding. On our way up the hill, there were two men hiking close behind us whom we sensed were homosexual. Some hours later, on our way back, they were walking behind us once again. The Holy Spirit touched upon me to stop to give them a Gospel tract and share the love of Jesus with them. Both Dylan and Kyle listened openly to the message. Dylan recognized that it was the Holy Week and was very receptive to the message of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey; to be the lamb of God who takes away sin. It was picturesque as we stood surrounded by palm trees, and we shared about the palm branches being laid down and the Jews crying out Hosana. After sharing the simple and powerful love of the Gospel, they understood the meaning of the cross; that an exchange of life took place, and that one simply needs to repent and accept it. I invited them to surrender their lives to Jesus, and they both accepted. They prayed a prayer of repentance and they both understood salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). We thank you for praying for their souls, and that they find a good home church when they go home. 

Later that evening we had a Messiah in the Passover meeting where we met a young man who shared his testimony of coming to faith a year ago and being delivered from 18 years as a homosexual. He is on fire for Jesus and is now attending Bible College. We were so encouraged by his testimony and what Jesus has done in his life. We know He can do the same for Dylan and Kyle. 
Salvation of Kawika (David)
God presented this divine appointment with a local Hawaiian man, Kawika, who owns a cafĂ©. Darlene needed a meal, and God in His wisdom, led us to this small out-of-the-way cafĂ©. We started talking with Kawika, who grew up Catholic, about our Lord Jesus and eternal life. We gave him a Gospel tract and sat down to eat lunch. We noticed him reading the tract, and he soon came and sat down at our table. He said he realized that he doesn’t know Jesus, but desires a personal relationship with God. After talking more and answering his questions, he understood that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Right there in the cafĂ© Kawika chose to surrender his life to Jesus. We shared his contact info with some friends who will follow-up with him. Please pray our new brother Kawika will find a home church to grow in our Lord Jesus. We praise God for one more soul in Hawai’i being changed for Jesus! 
Rabbi Michael
One evening, we were speaking at a meeting that happened to be located next-door to a synagogue. At the beginning of the meeting, someone came in and said the Rabbi wanted me to come out and speak with him. A member of the church had told him of our visit to explain the Messiah in the Passover, so Darlene took over and I went outside. After a brief introduction the Rabbi wanted to know ‘why?’; why we were there, why we were teaching on the Passover etc. I explained God’s love and His desire according to the scriptures to reveal the Messiah, His Son, to Israel and the world. He asked, “Henry, if you love Israel, why don’t you help Jewish people return to their roots?” He however, was thinking of Rabbinical Judaism which points Israel away from the Bible. I replied that pointing Jews to their roots is exactly what I do. I help Jewish people globally to return to the root that is the Word of God; to Moses, the Prophets, and the prophecies which point to the Son of God, Messiah Jesus. I concluded with His love as it’s displayed in Isaiah 53 and the Rabbi then asked to speak again when I return to Kaua’i. God willing, we will be back in May so please pray that God will bless a future meeting with him to focus on the Son of God - Jesus the Messiah, so our God will be glorified. All my heart desires, is to help people focus on what happened on the cross; the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
Thank you for your prayers and financial support. They are instrumental in helping us serve the Son of God. Friends, the world wants to know what love really is, and we must point the human race to the cross; which shows in a tangible way, the LOVE OF GOD. May we always stay focused on the Truth. 

Praying for you.
Much Love in Jesus,

Henry and Darlene
Romans 1:16
Ways you can give

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World Mission Outreach
Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A.
53 S. Pu'unene Ave., Unit 108
Kahului, Hawaii 96732

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