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Volume 6, Issue 3 | March 2017

Spring has sprung! This season is my favorite time of year, especially when I've lived in locales where winter equaled snow and temps dropped below freezing. Spring makes me feel an additional dose of hope and joy, perhaps due to seeing Nature in the act of rebirth and renewal. I guess it's no wonder it's traditionally a time to clean house, air things out... Notice we say "spring cleaning" not "winter cleaning"; personally, I wouldn't want to open up all the windows when the temperature is sitting at 30 degrees :) .
So at this time of rebirth, hope, and joy, we are reminded that joy is who we truly are, our true nature.
The spiritual literature I've been reading and working with lately from various authors and traditions all point to the everlasting joy of our soul. And, when we operate from that place, we can realize all our noble ambitions and be of great service to others. Joy is of Spirit (God), the one and only source of our good. I am coming to a deeper understanding of this Truth.
More and more, I appreciate the first name given to me at birth: JOYCE. And, it upsets me not one bit when someone inadvertently calls me JOY. I have an everlasting reminder of the nature of my soul each time someone calls me by my name, I see my signature on an outgoing email, or I am told "Enjoy!"
And to you I say, "Enjoy the Spring weather and use this rebirthing time of year to delve deeper into your inner joy."

Joyce's signature

Inspiration and Contemplation
In Movement There is Life

"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar, and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."

- "Joy is My Compass," by Alan Cohen, page 19
Mysterious Moments
I have a vanity license plate GUIDEME, which serves as a reminder to me (and possibly others) that I need Spirit's guidance and help in this game called Life.

Read this story about another license plate that helped uplift Patty VerNooys's spirits...
I had a 1,200-mile drive from New York to Florida ahead of me, and I wasn't comfortable doing it alone. Luckily a few of my friends were headed there too, so we would drive together. Then, two weeks before the trip, they decided to fly! "I'll have to get there with God and my GPS," I told them. The drive went smoothly until Georgia. My GPS announced an upcoming left-lane exit. I glanced over - no room - and a car swerved into my lane, forcing me to slow down and shift to the right. I can't do this, God! I prayed, the exit approaching. Suddenly a white car pulled alongside. The driver slowed, blocking traffic behind him, allowing me to change lanes and make the exit in time. Just before I left the highway I caught a glimpse of the car's license plate - GOD GPS.

[As read in "Mysterious Ways," Dec/Jan 2017]

People Helping People
...Or, in this case, numerous company employees helping a customer.

Good 'ol Southwest Airlines.
This story gives me chills and brings tears to my eyes each time I read it, perhaps because this person was cared for to such a stellar degree, which goes straight to my heart and soul.
What do you think? Click here or the image below to read the story and be uplifted.

Wishing you joy within as you navigate the outer world and go through Life's adventures...

Joyce's signature
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