It's "Make A Will Month"....
so why not make a Will?
August is "Make a Will" month so we thought we would use this time to talk about the importance of estate planning.

It sounds soooo daunting!

When we think "estate," we think sprawling mansions and dynasty trusts for your great-grandkids.

But, order to truly get it, you need to break it down...a lot more.

Estate planning is simply organizing your "estate" so that your family does not have to do it for you. Your estate means a lot of things--your finances, your accounts, your paperwork, your money, your kids, your family.

From my probate experience, I can tell you quite simply that your family does not want to have to do this hard work for you. Your kids and loved ones will hate having to call a probate attorney to begin the court case to release your property to them.

I know, because I get these calls.

Every day, the phone rings with frustrated family members experiencing a loss and knowing they need to do something, but not sure what. It's an annoyance, it's a burden, and it's an expense. The thought of finding paperwork, calling banks and going through your stuff is too much. It's an overwhelming process that could have been made more simple.

One way or another, the hard work has to be done. Consider that your legacy can be "setting things right" for your family.

And, believe it or not, we are sort of fun to work with. It won't be so bad.

Come visit our office and if you like puppies, ask us to bring Steve to our meeting.

Hope to hear from you soon. Just reply to this email.

Why Do You Need A Will?
To kick-off the national “Make a Will” month, we focus on the question we often hear as estate planning lawyers: “Why do I need a Will?” 

Most people have heard about a Will, but few really understand its limitations and benefits. It is definitely not the best idea for every person, but knowing what it can and cannot do will help you decide the best route for you. We may come up with other creative options such as a combination of deeds and beneficiary designations.

A Will Is The First Step
To Protection
A Will or Trust Plan will aid you in considering your choice of guardians and helping you make decisions as to people based on many factors such as their marriage, religion, beliefs, and more.

You will feel better after reaching out for a quick 10-minute conversation to discuss your options.

Every family with minor kids can benefit from estate planning. We recommend either our Revocable Trust Plan or our Protection Plan. 

When you have children, you transition from “simple” estate planning to what is known as “complex” estate planning. That does not mean it is complicated. It is a higher level of planning for your children.  

You would do anything for your kids. Why stop short when it comes to long-term planning? Simply schedule your discovery call with us here.
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