To Members of the Vital Village Network,

Your health and well-being matters to us. As the local and global situation with COVID-19 (coronavirus) rapidly evolves it is our hope that we can work together collectively to promote the health, safety and wellness of our community, and maintain social connections.

COVID-19 has highlighted our deep social inequities. We invite you to join with us to generate strategies to see us through this time.

The Vital Village team has moved to a fully remote office for an indefinite period.

Please know we are accessible and we remain hard at work.

We aim to continue to share important resources on how to promote wellbeing and social connections while minimizing risk.

Extending our deepest gratitude for your leadership and service,
Renee Boynton-Jarrett and the Vital Village Team
During this time social distancing is recommended as a preventive measure. Lets pool ideas and resources to maintain and build connections with our communities and families. 

Do you have ideas or resources for staying connected, practicing self-care, or supporting families and communities? Please share with the Network in our Wellness Ideas Bank !
To maximize child, family, and community well-being, we are committed to highlight and share the strengths and solutions of our resilient community. For more resources, please check out our other communications outlets: Facebook , twitter , and CONtexts .

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Updates

Children, Caregivers, and Families

Family Preparedness Guides

Talking to Children About Coronavirus

For Maternal and Child Health

. For Schools and Childcare

For Higher Education

Mental Health and Social Connections

Dispelling Myths and Addressing Inequities

Opportunities to Support Our Neighbors
The Vital Village Network team is working remotely at this time. However, our office is not closed and we are still hard at work. Remember, we are only a call or email away.