It's Not Too Late to Claim Your 2016 Tax Break on a Starrco Enclosure
Maybe you've been holding on to the budget, or perhaps you've had too much on your plate, but if more space is on your to-do list - don't delay. Starrco enclosures in place by the end of the year qualify for 100% tax depreciation.
2016 is a bonus tax relief year
This year, Congress is allowing businesses to depreciate up to $500,000 of tangible personal property before December 31st.
For example, if you buy a Starrco enclosure for $20,000, you could write off the full amount and save up to $6,800 on your 2016 tax bill.
This bonus depreciation program is part of the government's efforts to encourage capital expenditure and stimulate the economy. It comes under Section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Will 2017 be a bonus tax relief year?
Yes. But, you'd have to wait until the end of 2017 to claim your tax relief.
We don't yet know how much Congress will allow you to depreciate in 2017. It may stay at $500,000, but then again, it may change.

Can this apply to any building project?
No. It cannot be applied to conventional construction projects. They are classified as real property and have a 39-year depreciable life.
Starrco modular construction, which can be dismantled and put back together in a new location, qualifies as tangible personal property - that is property that can be moved.
Also, Starrco buildings are manufactured and get installed 75 percent faster than conventional construction, so even a tight December delivery deadline is doable but your Starrco sales person will check and confirm that for you.
Starrco's Spooktacular Halloween
Starrco was a S-C-A-R-Y place on Monday as skeletons, zombies and TV characters arrived for the company's annual Halloween costume competition.

This year's winner is Dave Branson. Dave dressed up as Urkel from ABC/CBS's Family Matters show, and he wins a day's vacation!
About Starrco
At Starrco, everything we do is designed with uptime in mind - from the initial quote to the final installation. We make sure all the pieces come together with precision and personable customer service. With our modular pre-engineered systems, we are proud to offer a clean, expedient and high quality solution that revolutionizes the concept of construction.
In addition to pre-engineered modular offices, we manufacture cleanroom wall systems; floor to ceiling interior wall partitions; starrguard safety guard rail systems; and pre-assembled portable offices.