It May Be Winter, But There is Plenty To Do To Prepare For Spring

February 2018 / Volume 131
February Horticultural Tips
Several garden tips (Trees & Shrubs, Fruits & Nuts, Flowers, Turf, Vegetables and other information) for the month of February can be found by clicking on FEBRUARY.
Monthly Myth Buster

Landscape fabric provides permanent weed control for 
ornamental landscapes

Click FACT OR MYTH to find out the answer along with much more information on the subject
Pruning With a Purpose (Third of a 3-part series)
In December, a 3-part series on tree planting was started with Tree Planning.  Then, last month the 2nd part of that series focused on actual Tree Planting. In the last of this series, this month will emphasize proper Tree Pruning.  There are so many ways to prune incorrectly and, in doing so can damage a tree for many years to come....or life.  C lick  HERE to access more detailed information on proper tree/shrub/hedge pruning techniques.
Winter Composting - An Easy Winter Sport
Even though it's cold outside, there is no need to stop composting in winter.  In fact, the freeze-thaw cycles that we have will actually help to break down the materials that you are adding so they will decompose even faster when spring arrives.   Then, as  air temperatures warm up in the spring, microbial activity will resume.   C lick  HERE  to read more details about how and why to mulch in the winter.
Pruning Ornamental Grasses
So, the ornamental grasses have been enjoyed for their winter interest, lending height, movement and even brandishing some long season color.  The tall seed stalks have done their job to insulate the crown of the plants during the cold winter months and even providing some seeds for the wildlife.  But, now the question arises when and how to prune them back.  C lick  HERE for answers to that very important question.
Use of Natural Mulch in Your Winter Garden
Properly protecting landscape and garden plants during the winter is essential to having healthy and thriving plants in the spring and summer. The first step in winter protection is to buy plants that are hardy in our area.   Click HERE  to find out more about the next steps of successfully using mulch in the winter in your landscapes.
Techniques for Managing Deer & Rabbits in Your Landscape
Everyone remembers Bambi and Thumper as a child.  They were young, cute and furry.  Yet, when it comes to your gardens and landscapes, those critters aren't really as wholesome and cute as the picture books and Disney portray.  In fact, they are Public Enemy #1 and can decimate your garden in short order if left unchecked.   Click HERE  to find out much more on the subject of rabbit and deer destruction and how to protect your gardens and landscapes from them.
Timing of Lawn Pre-Emergent Applications Can Be Tricky

Isn't it generally don't have green grass all year, but you certainly can have green weeds all year long, if not treated properly.  And, there are so many products on the market these days, where do you start in figuring it all out?  Pre-emergent herbicides are the best chemical cure for crabgrass and other pesky weeds that tend to germinate in the spring.   Click HERE to find out more about application techniques and proper timing. 
Spring Seedlings - Time To Be Thinking About Them
Now is the time to get a jump on early spring plants.   Planting seeds indoors is an easy process as long as certain instructions are followed.  This should result in strong, sturdy transplants that can go directly into the home garden and be much less costly than buying plants.   Click HERE to find out the whole "scoop". 

The Tulsa Master Gardener Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization.  As such, it receives no city, state or federal funding for its Tulsa community outreach programs. In fact, the Tulsa's Master Gardener programs are self-funded by its own fundraisers, from member donations, and from public donations.

The main Tulsa Master Gardener fundraiser is its Annual Spring Plant Sale that is held each April.  Other fundraisers include the Garden Tour and Garage Sale in June.  And, one of the most important income sources that sometimes gets overlooked are the personal and corporate donations.  These are so important in helping us to meet our financial obligations and we want you to know they are very much appreciated. 

NEW!   MG Endowment Fund
Did you know that we have been around for over three decades, since 1983?  And, we plan to be around for many more decades.  Did you know that  we are one of the top five Master Gardener county programs in the entire nation?  We are, indeed, because of the size of our Foundation membership as well as the diversity and activity level of our community outreach programs!  
So, we are pleased to announce, in partnership with the Tulsa Community Foundation, the Master Gardener Foundation recently established an Endowment Fund to ensure our long-term financial strength.  Our plans are to build this fund for many years before making any withdrawals from it.  Please consider us as you make your annual gift giving as well as longer-term estate planning decisions.  Remember, all donations are fully tax deductible! 
If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation to help fund the long-term success of the program, click on   TULSA MASTER GARDENER ENDOWMENT FUND.
If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation to help fund our annual expenses, click on  TULSA MASTER GARDENER AGENCY FUND.
We thank you for having been such faithful contributors both in the past and in advance for your future consideration and participation!

Donations for this month include:

Tulsa Master Gardener General Fund
Bob & Denise Rock
Judy Feuquay
Bloomin' Bucks Bulbs
Steve McCurley / Paul Gordon, Jr.
Steve & Ann Zenthoefer

Tulsa Master Gardener Endowment Fund
Lee Kutner

Got a Question? Or Maybe a Soil or Plant Sample?
MG logo
Our Master Gardeners are on hand to assist you with even the toughest gardening questions. Visit us in person, by phone, via email or online! Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.

Address: 4116 E. 15th Street, Gate 6 at the Fairgrounds
Phone: (918) 746-3701

Need More Information?
law n fertilizer
complex leaves
All about butterfly gardening in Tulsa County.

How to Take a Soil Test
How to collect a good sample of soil from your lawn or garden and get it tested at the OSU lab.

Once you have collected your soil test and gotten the results back, now what? Find out here. 

Show and tell.
Cool Season Lawn Care (Fescue)
12-month maintenance calendar.
State horticulturists, nurseries and growers pick favorite plants, shrubs and trees for use in the Oklahoma landscape. See the winners for this year and years past.

A list of recommended trees with descriptions. 

A list of over 60, by size and color.

Visit our demonstration garden on  15th Street, open 7 days a week. 

Current and historical source of rainfall, air temperatures, soil temps and much more. Click on Bixby station.  

                                    Like what you've seen
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