Made Us Smile
And by smile, we mean eye roll. Jody Wilson-Reybould has been called courageous and a hero for her stunning testimony this week. Courageous yes, although politics, like life, is never black or white and there will be further shoes to drop on this story. Real life heroes are complicated, and the full truth is always nuanced. Disclaimer aside, can people please stop calling this kick ass woman's father and asking him if she is doing a good job or suggesting that he is "pulling the strings." Because it's 2019 people!
Good to Know
The hot topic these days is the digital detox and how to rid ourselves of the horrifying, addicted, hamster on the wheel relationships many of us are developing with our devices. Here is one man's journey back from the abyss and how he did it.
Have you Heard?
We are taking a meeting hiatus for March due to Spring Break. Here from my Vegas hotel room, it bears asking - when was the last time you took a break that is kid free, husband free and drinks free, meaning not in a sippy cup people. Moms totally deserve a full week of spring break parties like we used to, if only in our dreams! For those of you venturing off to sunny climates, bon voyage. For those of you saving $ or stuck at work, here are some tips to help you survive the Spring Break Staycation.
Tried It
Well I haven't actually tried it yet, but it looks amazing and I plan to for my next work or social event. Thank you Kelly Murray for the heads up on this local, working mom-owned business, The Graze Company. The web page alone makes me very hungry! They even promise to elevate your social feed ... Bon appetit ladies.