Newsletter #56
February 2017

APF Sponsors Israeli Nurses Delegation
in Washington State  
From left: Galit Levi, Tmira Hefetz, Dr. Hilla Fighel, Dr. Mindy Schaffer, Prof. Mary Moller, Meira Idan

Senior nurses from four healthcare institutions in Israel recently visited Prof. Mary Moller, President-elect of the Washington State Association of Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses. The purpose of the trip was to learn about the scope of practice of Psychiatric Advanced Nurse Practitioners and their role in the community. 
The delegation included four high-level nurses:
Meira Idan, Head Nurse of Tel Aviv-Jaffa Mental Health Center
Galit Levi, Deputy Chief Nurse of Lev-Hasharon Medical Center and Chair of the Israel Psychiatric Nurses Association 
Tmira Hefetz, Professional Development Coordinator and Nursing Coordinator of Mental Health Services, Clalit Health Services
Dr. Hilla Fighel, Director of the Nursing Development Department, Nursing Division, Ministry of Health 

Over the course of 16 days, the delegation conducted more than 20 meetings with key members in the Department of Health, State of Washington, Seattle, as well as PLU School of Nursing and clinicians at 17 different sites, including psychiatric in-patient and out-patient facilities. 
"Yasher Koach" to former APF Board of Trustees member Dr. Richard N. Hirsh and his family for supporting this program since 1988. 

Dr. Rabea Asleh Gets to the Heart of the Mattter 
Dr. Rabea Asleh and his family
W hile not Cupid, Dr. Rabea Asleh is in the business of helping people with broken hearts.

"It's very rewarding to be able to prolong lives with quality using many alternatives now: external devices such as ECMO; implantable devices such as artificial hearts and support mechanisms like LVAD's; heart transplants and medications. Some of this technology acts as a 'bridge to transplant' (keeping people alive and healthy enough while awaiting transplant), while others are the primary life-saving treatments involved.

"These are the newest options available to those with heart failure."

APF's Emergency Course 2017 
APF's Annual Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Course in Israel will take place from November 4 to 9, 2017. Click here to view the course brochure. 
Please complete the 2017 Course Registration Form and return it to APF along with your deposit to reserve your spot!

Upcoming Summer Medical APF/Birthright Trip to Israel for Healthcare Students  
APF's Medical Birthright Program is a 10-day program in Israel designed for medical students, nursing students and other medical professionals (admitted medical students qualify). This enhanced Birthright experience combines all the highlights of an Israel tour along with special visits to medical facilities, including the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Medical Corps Training Base in the Negev and Rambam Medical Center in Haifa. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore Israel and network with Israeli healthcare peers.