April 2023
Spring Has Sprung!
Ahhh...Spring has sprung and our Colorado weather is, as usual this time of year, bouncing back and forth between 20 and 70 degrees.

We are receiving truckloads of trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals on a daily basis. Our greenhouses are alive and full which keeps us busy with watering and caring for thousands of recently planted hanging baskets and patio pots. We are also loaded with garden and unique gift items including (but not limited to) bird houses, baths, and feeders, plant pottery, statues, benches, garden tools and supplies, and fountains.

REMINDER, April is THE month to get your lawn in order and we have lots of fertilizer and grass seed on hand to help you out with that. In addition, our delivery and planting crews will be mobilizing this month so we are ready to help you enhance your property with fresh new trees and shrubs.

Spring / Summer Hours:
Monday - Friday 8-6
Saturday 8-5
Sunday 9-4
What's happening at PLN this month?
check all our Events Here
Join us Saturday, April 22nd at 8am for a Fruit Tree Tour
Grab your Cup O Joe and come take a walk through the fruit trees with Tom. We are often asked about these special specimens and some of the mysteries behind what sometimes looks like their fickle behavior. Learn why we carry the varieties that we do. Learn the benefits of these life sustaining plants and how to maximize their productivity in our unique climate.  This is a free event and a very pleasant way to spend a Saturday morning in April. Hope to see you here.
Fruit Tree Tour
Learn How to Create Stunning Containers like Kristy does!
Last year we kicked off a service called Custom Container Planting. It is a service where we come to your home or office and create and care for stunning professional floral containers all year long. In this workshop, Kristy will share her expertise with you and teach you how to create the same jaw dropping arrangements that she does. This is a free event but space is limited, registration is required. 
Worker digs the black soil with shovel  in the vegetable garden_ man loosens dirt in the farmland_ agriculture and tough work concept
Are you taking advantage of our Wholesale Department?

If you are working with a Landscaper, be sure to send them to Pine Lane Nursery. They will be able to buy at a wholesale discount which may reduce your project cost and we will help them pick the highest quality, perfect plants for your home.
Hanging Baskets - Change In Policy
If you have bought hanging baskets from us before, then you know why we refer to them as "nearly famous". Because around here, they are! Every year we increase our production of these beautiful creations to meet demand and have reached a greenhouse capacity limit. Therefore, we will no longer be able to 'hold' baskets purchased in advance of the warm weather. We encourage you to come as early as you want and get an idea of the color combination you like but make the purchase at the time you will be taking them home. We will have at 'home care instructions' available at the registers so you can care for them much the same as we do here. Thank you in advance for your understanding.


Garden Thymes with Jackie
"I think that no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth?"
- Edward Giobbi
Let's get your garden & landscape ready for a fresh new season!
General Landscaping
  • Your landscape plants are beginning to push so it's extremely important to pay close attention and make sure you are meeting their water needs.
  • Add Grass Seed & fertilizing existing lawn
  • Keep up general maintenance such as tool preparation, bed clean up, pruning out damaged branches, & soil improvement.
Shrubs & Trees
  • Now is the time to start weekly watering trees as they are waking up to prevent tip dieback.
  • Remove tree wrap
  • Cut back mid-late summer flowering shrubs such as Potentilla, Russian Sage, and Spirea's.
  • In late April prune roses back 18" above ground level, remove dead canes, pull the mulch back a few inches from the plants, and gently work rose formulated fertilizer into the ground taking care not to damage surface roots.
Veggies & Herbs
  • Start warm season vegetable seeds indoors such as tomatoes, peppers, or eggplant.
  • Plant cool season vegetables in your outdoor beds, just make sure to protect them if we get a hard freeze.
Annuals & Perennials
  • Clean your annual flower boxes and containers in preparation for summer color.
  • Start planting perennials and bare-root plants in your gardens!
  • In mature beds, it's time to divide fall & summer blooming perennials for
  • better blooms this summer.
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