Week 1: RESET

Do you want to receive RESET Challenge emails from the Lancaster Family YMCA? Reply to this email and let us know!
This week's theme is RESET.

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.”

– Mary Anne Radmacher

Today's Advice
“Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on?” The easiest answer to every tech glitch, right? And, after the eye-roll, and the flip of a switch, it sometimes strangely works!

But what happens when you glitch? When your body’s hardware is burdened, slow, and endlessly spinning? When your mind, body, and spirit are stuck in strange patterns; patterns that are unhealthy and glitchy?

RESET will help you fix your glitches. It will give you tools to power you ‘off’ and turn you back on to help restore and reset your hardware.

Hit the RESET button on your life; start over, and discover your God-given potential again!

RESET begins now!

Coach Bridget will point you in the right direction.
Check out her video below.
Hear from our team!
Physical activity is an important component of healthy living. In each email, we will include 1 or 2 workouts and a few exercise tutorials, provided by Wellness Staff from across our association.

AMRAP = As many rounds as possible
EMOM = Every minute on the minute
DB = dumbbell
BW = bodyweight
M = minute (M1 = minute 1, M2 = minute 2, etc)
R = round (R1 = round 1, R2 = round 2)

Workout of the Day - Level 1
by Suzy Riddle, Bob Hoffman Dover Branch YMCA

Workout of the Day - Level 2
by Allison Galbreath, York Branch YMCA

Standing Squat
Demonstrated by Suzy Riddle, Bob Hoffman Dover Branch YMCA
Start with feet shoulder width apart, with weight in your heels.

Keep your toes pointed forward and core engaged.

Lower to comfortable position, keeping feet flat on floor.

Rise back up, pressing through the heels.

Make sure knees do not extend past toes.
Bulgarian Split Squat
Demonstrated by Allison Galbreath, York Branch YMCA
Stand facing away from a step, bench, or stair. Step into a forward lunge position, with the back foot elevated on the step.

Keep torso upright, core braced, and hips squat.

Lower through the front foot, so that the front thigh is parallel to the ground.

Make sure the knee stays in line with the toes.

Drive up through the front keel back to starting position.
Music to Motivate!
Music helps to keep you movin' and groovin' through your workouts.

Need a new cardio playlist? Check out this awesome list from Kyle Almoney, York Branch Personal Trainer and Wellness Attendant.


Find Your Strength
by Jamie Coy, Group Exercise Instructor, York Branch YMCA

Isaiah 40:31 KJV

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” 

There is a fundamental law that the tissue of the human body will waste away through idleness and disuse; muscles will atrophy. But muscles that are stressed and have resistance will grow and increase in capacity. This same basic law applies to our spiritual growth, as well as our mental capacity. 

Our Sponsors

Thank you to Stewart Companies for being a sponsor and making our community as healthy as possible!