Houmas House Plantation and  Gardens 
October 2018
The Legend of The Gentlemen

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the month of October is always filled with stories of ghost sightings and haunted places.  Houmas House has its fair share of stories told from past owners, visitors and current staff.  But are they true?  I guess you'll have to visit and see for yourself.

But one of the most famous stories passed down for generations is The Legend of the Gentlemen.  In the days before the levee, Houmas House's oak alley ran across the grand lawn, through the batture, and on to the river's edge. The perfectly formed and heroically erect trees spread their branches arm-in-arm to welcome visitors to the property, all of whom approached from the River Road.  John Burnside, a colorful bachelor who presided as owner during the late 1800s, lovingly referred to these giant, leafy sentinels as "The Gentlemen." The reference prevailed through generations of stewardship until progress, in the form of flood control, came to the Great River Road.  
The legend and the irony begins with the  Great Flood of 1927  when the area around Houmas House was inundated for weeks and weeks........   Continue the Story Here

Much Love,

Princess Maggie
 Chef Jeremy Langlois Returns to Houmas House

Jeremy Langlois, the celebrated Houmas House and Gardens chef who left in 2015, has returned to the venue in Darrow as executive chef, Houmas House announced Thursday morning.

After leaving Houmas House, Langlois was a chef at Ruffino's in Baton Rouge and then executive chef at White Oak Plantation.

Houmas House has "always had a special place in my heart," Langlois said Thursday. He and the staff kept a good relationship, and with expansion happening at the historic house - the Great River Road Museum and Interpretive Center opens on the grounds next fall - he saw new opportunities.

"I feel like I'm sliding right back in," Langlois said.

Dinner and Wine Under the Oaks

October 18, 2018
6:30 PM
$150.00 per ticket

Don't miss this beautiful event under the mossy oaks at Houmas House, offering a five course dinner with wine pairings featuring Miner Family Vineyards. The ambiance of this historic estate will make for a perfect end to your week.  Should we have rain, the event will be moved to The Carriage House Restaurant.

A special room rate of $195.00 will be offered at the Inn at Houmas House. Reservations may be made by calling 225-473-9380 between 9am-7pm.  Reference 'Wine Dinner'.

Upcoming Events

Ralph's Market Wine Gala
November 7, 2018
6:00 pm- 8:30 pm
$39.99 per person, tickets sold in stores
Thanksgiving Buffet
November 22, 2018
11:00 am- 3:00 pm
Menu coming soon

Baton Rouge Symphony Christmas Brass
December 9, 2018
4:30 pm
Special menus available for The Carriage House and Latil's Landing- coming soon

Stay Connected with Houmas House

There are so many ways to visit and stay connected with Houmas House!  We offer several options for tours and easy links to book tickets online are right here:

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Open Daily

9 :00 AM- 7:00 PM Daily
Cafe Burnside: 11AM-2PM daily
Latil's Landing: Wed-Sat 6:00pm-9:00pm
Sunday Brunch: 11AM-3PM
The Carriage House Restaurant:
    Breakfast- 8AM-10AM
    Dinner- 5PM-8:30PM

*Closed Christmas Day and New Years Day


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