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Home gardening information for Iowa State University and Extension has a new home! Check out the new Yard and Garden website just launched in March of 2024.

Along with the website update, the newsletter name has changed to Iowa Gardening News!
Garden Trivia

What is the busiest plant shopping day of the year?

Read on to see the answer!
Freshly harvested, shelled, and cooked peas are a late spring treat. Many types of peas can be grown successfully in Iowa. Learn more about selection, planting, care, and harvesting of garden, snow, and snap peas.
In the spring, many gardeners are anxious to get out and start planting to get an early crop. In the fall, cooler temperatures signify an end to the harvest of many vegetables in the garden. However, if you use cold frames, you can extend the growing season. These simple structures allow you to start earlier and continue to garden and harvest fresh produce later even when temperatures are cooler. 
As winter fades and spring arrives, several things can be done to prepare the garden for the upcoming growing season. This article has tips for the perennial garden, vegetable garden, annual containers, trees & shrubs, houseplants, and lawns.
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Garden Trivia Answer

While this day can vary slightly based on what region of the country you’re in, overall, Mother’s Day weekend, in particular, the Saturday before Mother’s Day, is the busiest day of the year at your local garden center. Learn more about shopping for plants.
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