The Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) invites applications for the next editor(s)-in-chief of the Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education (DSJIE). The successful applicant(s) will serve a four-year term beginning on July 1, 2024. The term may be extended for an additional two years.
We will consider proposals from individuals or teams (not to exceed two colleagues at maximum). In the case of team proposals, please submit a single joint application.
The Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Decision Sciences Institute. Its mission is to publish significant research relevant to teaching and learning in the decision sciences encompassing quantitative and behavioral approaches to managerial decision making. The journal welcomes submissions relevant to the application and practice of pedagogy and learning in the decision sciences both in business and other domains, for example, healthcare, product development, and engineering management. Articles submitted to the journal should offer either proven innovation in classroom instruction/delivery, new insights into pedagogy, program development, delivery, or assessment, or empirically based analysis of the application of the decision sciences in learning and education. The goal of the journal is to not only provide resources that can enhance instruction, but also serve as a forum for disseminating best practices and new insights.
The application should include the following information:
1. Current curriculum vita that includes information about education, academic and administrative positions, publications, honors and awards, professional affiliations and activities, and other relevant items.
2. Description of editorial experience with scholarly journals or other publications.
3. Statement of interest and availability to serve as editor, including a description of anticipated academic and professional responsibilities for the next four years.
4. Statement of editorial philosophy, including views on editorial policy, directions the publication should take, and composition of and approach to working with associate editors and editorial review board members/reviewers.
5. Brief description of administrative, organizational and managerial experience.
6. Brief description of Institutional commitment for the support of the editorial office for the next four years.
Application review will begin on March 4, 2024. However, the search process will be kept open until the position is filled. All proposals or questions should be addressed to Mrs. Vivian Landrum, DSI Executive Director ( Thank you.
For a pdf version of this Call for Editor(s), click here.